Since I passed 70, my memory has been terrible. So if I was starting from scratch, it would be, "I Don't Remember".
Wasn't that huge mate. Pipped by "Shaddup you face" to the no.1 spot lol. Wtf was all that about. For those not aware. ( as FBC clearly is.) Still has the reputation of the uk's favourite ever no.2 in the charts. And rightly so. If you were in ultravox mate. ( ive Got several albums) I can only say. One of the greatest bands I never got round to seeing. Didn't get round to seeing the band/midge ure at the civic. The last time. Hope he/they return at some stage.
Mine' a song.. from my Celtic roots performed here by the late Luke Kelly and The Dubliners.. PS Formerly Spider and JMV. Muirsheen Durkin (1968) - YouTube
Right, here goes. About 20 years ago I was on a skiing holiday in Austria with a group of lads, in Sölden, a mainly German speaking resort. One of the lads saw a poster for a live band called "Stahlschwanz". He had difficulty pronouncing it, so he asked me (because of my German connections) how to say it. I told him, without saying what it meant. The next day we were sitting outside having lunch in a bar, and as I left to go skiing he stood up and shouted across the crowded bar "Hey, Stahlschwanz, have a good afternoon". All the ladies immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I knew what it meant and I knew why they were looking. After going red I jumped into my skis and headed off. I thought I'd heard the last of it, but that evening I kept getting approached by females asking if I was "Stahlschwanz". It kind of stuck, and when I registered on here it was the obvious choice for a user name. It was fine for a while, until one day my German wife spotted it. Under severe pressure, I asked admin to change it to "Stahlrost", to avoid further embarrassment. And legal costs.
When I first posted on here someone muscled in on my first choice name so I started to use Sapphire Red as I had been a supporter for 45 years, that has now gone past the 60 year mark so I`m wondering should I change it to Diamond Red?
i had to google it....this was 5th on the list!
I started my first job after graduating in december 1978 in Cambridge. Until my final year I had very long hair and gradually shortened it for the pragmatic goal of finding a job but in december 1978 it was still longish and quite bushy. I was a chemist the working for Pye Unicam who made analytical instruments and I was technical sales support for the range of Infra Red Spectrophotometers. We had a lab technician called Gladys and she and her husband were shareholders at Cambridge United so we talked footy a lot. Cambridge were in the 2nd division whilst we were in Clarkies first promotion season from the 4th division. It was Gladys that christened me "the Barnsley Brush" due to my Reds obsession and bushy hair with a nod towards the bushy tailed pupet fox Basil Brush. When I joined this board (sometime in the 96/7 season I think) I shortened it to Brush in memory of Gladys who had sadly died by then.
I saw Be Bop Deluxe a couple of times including in the Dearne Hotel, Bolton on Dearne. Wonderful guitar player.
Genesis were never the same without him, I saw them on the Lamb Lies Down tour which was just before he left. I was gutted.
No they were different. They were more commercial, but I still enjoyed them with Phil Collins on vox.
Me mam always called me a little rascal, r lass called top jockey which i was gonna go with but she said you better i didnt.
Until very recently I had no idea what a set of public school toffs they were. Still think Peter Gabriel is a brilliant artist like, but yeah, never knew.
I lack any imagination, mine’s where I live. Although a long way from the green grass of Oakwell there are three Barnsley lads in a really small area.