Just been on Good Morning Britain telling of how his collaboration with Sir Tom Moore was his ‘proudest moment’. Not everyone will agree, but, for me, I just saw it as a shameful attempt to relaunch his fading career by piggybacking on the popularity of a mega fund raising, non limelight seeking war veteran. And, by a huge coincidence, the new album is out now. Shameful!!
Did you know that Michael Ball has double the amount of blood in his body as that of the average human? It’s what allows him to belt out those big notes. He also works as one of Andrew Lloyd Webber's heavies collecting debt owed to the man.
Tbf I think he's already very popular and maybe it was his proudest moment, something that raised a lot of money in collaboration with a lovely man that gave everyone a lift.
I think they all get a touch of the Bob Geldof's. Paul Mccartney did "Back in the World" live tour off the back of 911.
I think you are being harsh. Michael Ball is a genuinely nice guy. Have you considered he may have been contacted by someone connected with Sir Tom and his family to perform with him? I'd also say his career isn't fading. West end stage. Concert tours with Alfie Boe. Radio 2 dj. Regular tv work.
Michael Ball always strikes me as a scam targeted at old people. Like phone scammers just a bit less direct. He's actually a cockney conman called Micky Bollock who has found the best way to deprive OAPs of their pensions without being locked up is via endless showtunes, TV appearances and mawkish collaborations.
I’d suggest it’s the other way round regards contacting . Captain Tom was doing something genuine for charity and the money making machines at the top of these charities seized their moment and rooted them both in . I think Balls admiration for Captain Tom is genuine as is millions of others .
Very harsh imo. Michael Ball is a huge star regardless and has the CV to prove it. He has spent much of the last 12 months trying to help lesser known performers stay afloat whilst they have been unable to work. He is perhaps a bit full of himself, but if there’s anyone in the world of theatre that doesn’t need further exposure, it’s him.
Sadly my first thought brought out the synic in me ie, he,ll have a number 1 on his cv, lets face it he,s made a career out of capitalising on other peoples work...
In the world of fame and celebrity there are many unpleasant people in the industry. I wouldn't include Michael Ball in that category .
It's even worse than that. There's Michael Ball with his successful career, great singer/entertainer/presenter. Puts away the odd sausage roll obviously these days without compensatory physical exercise but don't we all? Minding his own business. Then along comes an old soldier with no musical talent whatsoever, famous for no more than extracting cash to trudge up and down a yard (aided), who rings up and rides on the back of Michael's tonsils to number one in the hit parade. Shocking exploitation.