Thank you for the link. I have just opted out. We cannot trust our information will only be used by the correct places.
Like I say, I'm opting out until I know more about what the specifics are. Service planning to me screams "this data will be shared with third party private companies to see where they can replace the NHS". That may not be true, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
Perhaps it’s because of previous bad experiences through data sharing including:Intrusive and con-type phone call, emails, texts. Then there’s the trust issue with this Govt
IIRC Under GDPR, any organization that holds your personal data is required to gain your consent for everything they do with it - storing, processing, or passing on - and you have to right to request deletion of your data (orgs don't have to delete if they have a valid reason not to such as you are still a customer, you owe them money, etc). Governments have an exemption to this.
The owners of this website reserves the right to do the same with your data on here apparently. I bet 90% of other websites you've signed up for do the same as well. It really isn't as big a deal as folk make out, in my opinion.
At least under the above state of affairs, you can decide what data you post, under NHS Digital you can't say "Ok, I'll share my data about my heart complaint but not the data about my sex-change." It will ALL be shared.
You think it will all be shared and you think that it will be used for unscrupulous purposes. I don't understand how you've come to either of those conclusions. Anyway, I've opted to share my data, if the NHS crumbles and it's deemed that the sharing of data contributed to its downfall, I will happily walk in front of the firing squad and you may hang my body from a lampost in peel square as a warning for others
That's how confident I am Believe me, I love the NHS dearly, I started my career there and loads of family members work there, including my wife. It's the greatest thing this country has ever produced and if I thought for a single second that this would destroy it I wouldn't do it.
It’s mainly people voting Tory killing the NHS and then have the audacity to complain about it when they have to use it . I’ve opted out for now it’s been done too secretive for my liking if they’d been straight up about it and offered loads of info I might have given them the benefit of the doubt . However I wouldn’t trust this lot as far as I could throw them and to give them my details on a plate when they’ve promised nothing on return choosing to be secretive and silent . No thanks
Well, it's good there's an option to opt out. It works for everyone then. But, do you honestly think "they" don't already have your details?
They have got my details of course they have but I havnt given them permission to pass them on to anyone . If they do they run the risk of being sued so get ready for the legal Eagles emailing about possible claims . Only downside to that is this lot will put the shambles onto the NHS budget , it’s time done of these politicians were taken to task personally for their decisions and if it were so I think Hancock would be checking to make sure his sister can’t get her hands on an undeliverable contract and Johnson would make sure he knew who was paying for the thousands upon thousands for decorating his flat .
I decided to opt out. The key thing for me is 'can I trust this government ' to SOLELY use the data in a pro-nhs way? I can't trust them at all and my lack of trust is compounded by the sneaky way they are doing this. It doesn't smell right so I opted out.
All those who have opted out will go on a register and targeted for indoctrination. You have been warned. By the way, I'm joking but you never know
The scale of data gathering and sharing is beyond imagination. Most people aren't that bothered. But isn’t about the individual. It’s about re-engineering society in order to exercise control and maximise profit. As individuals we will eventually see the effects of this. But by then it will be far too late.