AN UPDATE FROM DANE MURPHY Interviews Our Chief Executive Officer gives supporters the latest information on a number of topics following the end of the 20/21 season. Continue reading on the official site...
Interesting that it the Dike deal doesn't sound dead just not likely. Dane is bang on with everything he says. Especially about crowds which from game 1 next season has to be without restrictions and back to packed out away ends.
To be fair, he can't say anything different. He's got to be careful of over egging the pudding to a yorkshire crowd though. The simple reality is if Mowatt and Ismael get a better opportunity and financial reward, they will be gone. Any individual "believing" those two should remain at Barnsley means nothing, even if that individual is the CEO at Barnsley. The only views that matter are Mowatt and Ismael, and we'll find out what they decide shortly.
Eh?! There's no chance of that deal ever coming off now, how do you get from that interview there's still a chance?! Dike is gone, never to return.
Agree completely with his comments on the play offs and Swansea, it's how I saw it. Hope they tie Alex to the chair until he signs!!
“we are hopeful we can keep both Alex and Ismael, but we have to be realistic and acknowledge that it’s going to be very difficult” is what he could have said. As it is he does seem very confident. If it was big Paul Conway talking I’d be worried but Dane seems pretty straight up
Excellent communication from Dane & the club , of course we all know not to take anything for granted in football & things can change, but my initial reaction is one of positivity but I am sure there will be others with different opinions .
Only time to judge is when we know the outcome. My concern with Murphy is he does over egg things that can later come to bite him in the arse. Agree in that his tone could be different and more cautious, but he can't yet come out and say they are gone or unlikely to sign until it officially happens.
As I always seem to say after Dane updates us, it was a good read and a good update. He really speaks well and I enjoy reading/listening to what he has to say. I’m confident on Ismael still being here in August but not so much on Mowatt. I’m not basing that on what Dane has said, it’s just my gut feeling.
Happy with that. Keeping an open mind on what happens, but I believe he is being honest in his feelings.
I know he isn't coming back. What I am saying is he hasn't said we have decided to take up the option like Orlando said. Just it's highly unlikely which it is.
Absolutely love this. Exactly the right noises we should be making, even if it isn't 100% true. Get the message out there that these high performing players, some of the best in the Championship last season, don't come cheap. You want them? Pay for them! How anyone can try and turn that update in to a negative is beyond me.......... “But right now we are wanting to keep this group together and we certainly aren’t looking to sell. And there are a few factors in our favour right now that need to be considered too. “One - we had such a successful year that the valuation on our players is higher than Barnsley have had in the past on their players. We should be only losing players if there are some monumental offers. “And that coupled with the fact that the market is really slow, and not many clubs have a lot of cash to spend, we think we won’t have much of an issue in trying to retain our best players.”