Cracking actor and been in some class movies over the decades. The Guardian have done a top 20 list for him.... I think most people would agree with number 1 and many more would have them in a different order or have some in that are not listed.
Saw Samuel once at Holloway Odeon. Across the road from my flat. Premier of Eve’s Bayou, a good little indie film, 97 ish. Local Afro/English community came out in force to see him & basically brought a major north London thoroughfare to a temporary standstill. i watched from my window. The love & respect was massive. I’d seen Pulp Fiction 3 times at that old picture house.
Was in Liverpool few years back and dined at a restaurant near me- gutted I didn't get chance to see him.
Love that film...think Robert Carlyle and Meatloaf played a blinder in that one too. As for the kilt...classic!
The Hateful Eight is a good Tarantino. Set in post civil war US. Worth a watch if one hasn't seen it. I agree with Goodfellas - should be much higher on the list as a film (or is it rating Jackson's performances?)
Its for Jacksons part in it rather than how good the film is. In Goodfellas he answers the door and gets his head blown off and that's it!
The list is about his performance/role in the film, not the film per se. By the way Pulp Fiction > Goodfellas. Fact.