This stiff upper lip nonsense needs addressing- yes people lived through the war, but they weren’t fkn happy about it, just because there was no Twitter doesn’t mean people didn’t have a right good moan about it and showed their displeasure at the cretins in charge-Churchill was booed when he visited a London Blitz damaged area.
Yes but like 5 cases in Melbourne have led to the entire city being locked down for 2 weeks, seems a sub optimal way to live still to me.
Didnt you suggest that people who havent got a covid passport shouldnt be allowed in pubs so you can feel 'safe'
We defeated the nazis by hiding in our houses did we? By locking down? By having the working classes deliver us stuff? Pretty sure that wouldn't have been a very good war effort.
Me my wife and mum and dad have all tested positve at some stage. No anxiety everyone was fine. However the anxiety the the last 15 months have caused have been crippling.
Because there's no reason for restrictions to continue other than the benefits to everyone's health. My selfish reason is I've needlessly lost a parent.
Everyone's situation is different but if you hadn't have been fine I think there would be anxiety, it would have been hard on your wife and kids if you'd been hospitalised for 5 months like one poster on here.
No, but we built airraid shelters, evacuated kids, had blackouts at night, dug up parks, melted down metal pans , introduced rationing etc etc. Life didn't carry on as normal
I’ve had covid and sought no medical advice I tested positive and worked from home for two weeks.. not sure why I wouldn’t be entitled to use the NHS because of my opinions and I do believe that there are some ppl that would love to see these restrictions in place forever.
It must be to folks physical benefit to contain the virus. It could be argued that people vulnerable to the disease will suffer anxiety the longer they are restricted.
But equally or possibly in greater numbers the restrictions cuase huge anxiety. Huge NHS backlog, crucial diagnosis missed which will undoubtedly cost lives. The misery the restrictions have caused for my family are enormous. I'm sure we are not a isolated case. So of course if someone in my family had been seriously ill or died due to Covid that would be awful. I just continue to be exasperated by the tunnel vision approach to Covid to the detriment of all other issues.
It's not to everyone's benefit, that was my point. Hence the unwillingness of government to show us a cost v benefit analysis of Lockdowns/restrictions. Which "folks" do you mean? Of course it will benefit some overall.
Totally agree. Some right fannies around who want to hide in their houses and let the government pay for everything from their magic money tree forever.
Firstly, I'm very sorry for your loss. Attempting to contain the virus has consequences. One of those consequences has been the NHS has limited procedures, operations and screenings to a massive extent. This has been to the severe detriment of millions with regard to their physical well being. Many will die as a result of this who could have been treated. The whole picture has not been adequately taken into account in the decisions that were made and are continuing to be made.