BDGH was fully open in 1977 but preceding years had seen services move across from Beckett's and St Helens Hospitals. I was born in 1974 in the maternity unit at BDGH which had already opened.
my earliest ones are from when I was 2 - going to collect my sister and mum from hospital in 1965 and also my Dad having a grey A35 van and an aunt putting her foot through the floor and Dad getting a new (well used ) Ford Anglia and going for a test drive in a yellow one before it was bought which was also late summer 65
Talking of memories, how come I can remember bits of a Butlins Holiday in 1965 when I was 5, yet can’t recall anything about the World Cup the year after?
It's weird my memories jump back and forth. I can remember being three and my Dad taking me to Beatties in Leeds to buy the N Gauge Mallard in 1988. I can't remember Italia 90. I can remember play school when I was four but can't remember the birth of my sister when I was nearly six. Yet I can remember wanting to watch the Cup Winners Cup Final between Man Utd and Barcelona in 1991 and being sent to bed missing it and having the monk on.