Of course it was banter, crass maybe, in bad taste perhaps, but just banter between young mates, and I've got more news for you, it's what teenagers of all ages were saying 'back then', said long before that, and are saying right now to each other, in part because they're young and not yet possessing of the moderation or filters that come with maturity. Did you really need one of your own children to explain this to you? You know what, don't answer that. I'll reiterate what I said in the earlier England V NZ thread - what has happened to Ollie Robinson this week has been monstrous, and those responsible for what he's had to deal with in what should have been the greatest week of his life are pond life. This whole sorry episode once again amply demonstrates that the identity-politics obsessed left is insane, and the ECB should hang it's head in shame for their abject cowardice and failure to stand up for him and protect him from that insanity. Perhaps if he hangs himself tonight due to the furore you lot have helped to whip up, you'll consider the matter closed? Providing of course they bury him in an unmarked grave draped in a BLM flag.
That is ridiculous. Any thoughts to those who might hang themselves because of this " banter", that are expected to put up with it day in day out?
I agree. This is what Michael Carberry has said. His comments about Johnson & Dowden with relation to Marcus Rashford' getting racist abuse the other week speaks volumes about these two particular politicians. https://www.skysports.com/cricket/n...dowdens-comments-about-ollie-robinsons-tweets
One match ban will suffice, coupled with a very strong warning as to future conduct. The ECB (or any other governing body, for that matter) can not possibly ignore such conduct, especially in the current climate where things have arguably slid backwards. Apologists who want to waive this away on account of time elapsed lose my respect. Just have a think about what you are saying there.
I'm a middle aged white bloke who naturally wants to sympathise with a young white cricketer. I'm white he's white so surely he deserves leniency , that's what I'm thinking . But I know nowt about racism cos I haven't lived it. If this was Jofra who had sent the tweets the debate would be totally on its head and that's wrong.
We’re lucky we have only one, maybe two at a push, of these people in this thread then. Thankfully lots of people united that racism is wrong, the tweets were wrong, and that Ollie was in the wrong. Just a difference on whether a ban was the correct punishment considering all the details.
Second player linked with previous social media misdemeanours https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket...7NDjdv1IxFD4VJXU3FEKwGG58Tt0plqqf5qEMMGlIgBAU
Interesting point about him becoming a spokesperson about this is what will happen if you make such tweets. It's after the horse has bolted. I'd rather him playing cricket and kids seeing that a heartfelt apology would suffice. I'd rather them look at why he's been banned instead of the "being caught" being the deterrent after an example has been made. I hope the ECB take some accountability too.
It is after the horse has bolted mate, but at least he's willing to educate younger generations as to what not to do. He is willing to put his past behind him, move on and help others
He's done wrong. I just think he's being hung out to dry with Stokes, Woakes and that returning later in the year. This could end his career. The ECB must feel a little bit of shame inducting him onto the after dinner circuit at such a young age.
Bit much? I even agree with you, he shouldn't have been banned, having gone through reform etc, but this is pure "snowflake" reactionary stuff.
It fits for Matt Parkinson who is 24. ECB have dug themselves in to an hole now as they will surely have to treat all old tweets the same so some other players will be getting in to trouble or it's not fair on Robinson to be highlighted.
Problem here is he was under 16 - if there is nothing from him thats unacceptable after he grew up what do we do? are we seriously suggesting that immature tweets made whilst still a schoolkid should lead to bans from sport 10 years later. (but its just fine to go on national media as an adult and make similar statements and then go on to run the country) Dont get me wrong I abhor racism and these historic cricketing tweets do need to be addressed but I am not sure its being addressed in the right way.
One of the issues is there’s too many people in society that put themselves in the holier than thou category and forget that they might have fired off some minor offensive tweets as a teenager if they had access and the ability to do so. Some of the best and most respected posters on here have had full on meltdowns right in front of the BBS’s eyes in the last 12 months, but we don’t judge them on it. Not racist or sexist meltdowns, but offensive and aggressive ones. I asked about the details of the tweets in an earlier post and got no response. But from what I’ve seen the sexist tweets come down to one about girls needing to have some class, and another complaining that the girl on the sofa watching the boxing was ‘bored already’ and ‘more bothered about Tamara’s eyebrows’. Is that where we’re at right now on the sexism stance? Clip round the ear and don’t do it again.