Following on from @LiverpoolRed's thread about Three Lions, I started thinking about the passage of time, and about music. Specifically, Golden Years by David Bowie. Released in 1975, I was 14 and at high school when it hit the charts, so I've been listening to that song for forty five years. Forty five years. I can't quite get my head around it. It's the equivalent of my parents listening to songs from 1930 when I was 14. I'm damned sure they didn't. They listened to 60s stuff, mainly. I guess it has a lot to do with the way the music business exploded in the 60s and 70s. Much of what I listened to in my teens still feels as good as ever. I could have chosen lots of songs from around that time, but I love Golden Years. If by some miracle of modern science, I live to be 200 years old, I'll still be playing that song regularly and loving it just as much. But the nice thing is, when I hear that song, I dont feel 59. I'm 14 again. So today's question... What song makes you feel young again?
This or any other from Rainbow's first album also in 1975. A mate had this album and it was my introduction to rock music at the age of 11 and it has stayed with me ever since.
Anything by Nirvana, Terrorvision's How to Make Friends and Influence People, The Prodigy's Music for the Jilted Generation, Ash 1977
Most of us will have a nostalgia for the he music of our formative years. My dad yused to sing the songs that the crooners of the 40s and 50s made famous. I have already picked out the 3 songs to be played at my funeral 2 from the 60s one from the 70s. I often listen to Sounds of the 60s and Sounds of the 70s. My brother, younger by 10 years is a big Prog Rock fans and has a significant collection of vinyl.
I'll pick Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation. I went to stay with a Wisconsin family in 1994 and they took my friend and I across on a road trip to South Dakota. I bought that CD and then gazed through the window at the prairies and vast landscapes. Whenever I hear it, it reminds me of the awe, wonder and excitement I felt at discovering that such music was possible to which the unfurling landscape was a perfect visualisation, and unknown pleasures were out there in the world, in the days before everything was available with a click online.
Anything off the Trailer ep by Ash, but Petrol in particular gives me wistful feelings of being 18 again and driving up to Newcastle to see my girlfriend at the time.
Bowie wrote that song for Elvis who turned him down, not sure of the reason why as it is a great song by the greatest pop artist of all time in my humble opinion - as for songs making me feel young I would go for Ranking full stop - The Beat - saw them just before Ranking Roger died, I think it was his last show - did the dancing bit for about 3 minutes trying to recreate my youth then sat down recuperating for around an hour -
Quality. Another from my rock playlist. I first heard it on the Made In Japan live album, so that's my preferred version. Turn up the volume, close my eyes, and I'm right back there in the Fifth Form common room, where we were allowed to bring records in for lunchtimes. Just like time travel...