Thank you! It was open to people in schools across the UK and was for how they continued to promote reading and ensure that children were still able to read during lockdown. It looked at how we adapted our services; the ways we communicated with students, parents and staff; reading progress and various other related things.
So called Long COVID sounds truly horrendous. On the balance of risks, known effects of long COVID and unknown effects of the vaccine, I know what I'd choose. Age and general health mean nothing. As I mentioned earlier, the vaccines have been developed so quickly because companies and Universities have been working on novel corona-viruses since SARS and MERS almost 20 years ago.
Ok the younger and better health, the less the risk, however, young healthy people have been killed by COVID and they also seem to be the ones affected by long COVID. Old and unhealthy people are most at risk of death but don't seem to suffer long COVID if they survive. I've not seen any figures for this so it may be biased reporting from the media that has given the impression. But, irrespective of that, long COVID is a risk and shouldn't be ignored when you make your decision re the vaccine.
It’s not often you get 60,000 car crash victims in intensive care at the same time. And you can’t catch a car crash by sitting next to someone on a bus.
Which is why I wear a seatbelt, stick to speed limits, keep a safe distance, have my car regularly checked etc. I do what I can to minimise risks but I still drive. Having a vaccine minimises the risk so that people don’t have to stay in the house all day.
That's not an argument against vaccines. However, it is an argument for more rigorous policing of speed limits and general road safety.
Yeah, we were tested twice-weekly for the last 12 months. I never tested positive. I've just booked the vaccine for this Friday.
I’m not having the vaccine through my own choice I won’t force my opinion on anyone else but to use the argument that more you people die in car crashes than covid is laughable/moronic there are controls in place to prevent ppl dying in car accidents.. absolute clowns using that as an argument grow up
I was gonna write something similar (didn’t because I could so easily be attacked for being Dawkinesque). It’s sensitive because most people are indoctrinated into religion at an early age, so describing it as their choice troubles me a bit. However; I am 100% against it being a protected characteristic.