I'd say there are people (not many) who for different reasons would be quite happy for restrictions to continue pretty much forever. Some because they're scared for their family so would feel safer living like this as it's 'not too bad' for them and better than the perceived alternative and some because frankly they're selfish and if they can't do more nobody should. Some others because this lifestyle actually suits them and some because they're profiting from it. Not many though, definitely not many
A year ago today...... https://www.gov.uk/government/speec...statement-on-coronavirus-covid-19-8-june-2020 Then we had 519 people admitted to hospital. Today it was 126. Then we had 516 people on a ventilator. Today we have 148 people. Then in hospital we had 6,403 people. Today we have 957. Then 55 deaths got announced. Today it was 13. Then you didn't need a vaccine passport for anything and could go abroad on holiday.....Every important figure is far lower than this day a year ago and yet we are able to do less now than then.
People will always die of covid as they do flu. You have to be realistic. This is a country of 68M, the number of healthy U50s who died last year was less than 100.
I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with your logic. And I don’t think it is desirable or possible to get zero deaths from COVID, but personally once we get over 50 deaths a day then it’s an unacceptable burden on everyone. But there’s a large grey area of opinion about acceptable risk and deaths, some would say 1 death is too many and others would say there is almost no upper limit. The question is what is an acceptable level in order for us to go back to living our lives as we wish?
Some people have jumped the shark so badly on this. Why would anyone want the restrictions to continue. Things like masks are irritating and not being able to visit family and friends is devastating. We all want things to end as soon as possible. What we don’t want is to end up back where we started.
If I'm one of those you couldn't be further from the truth and you know it. My opinion from the start has been that we should keep cases as low as possible until there is an effective vaccine that's offered to all citizens. I believe that this could have been done with a far shorter lockdown and more border controls and checks. So in reality I wanted far less lockdown than what has happened. Unfortunately people were so short sighted that they pushed against any form of restriction and the knobhead in Downing Street tried to play a populist so he resisted restrictions until it was far too late and they had to go on far longer than they would initially have.
Do you not think those two things in your last sentence are connected? And also, what happened after 8 June 2020? We all want these restrictions gone (despite what some may say) but when they are, we want them gone for good.
Suppose the interesting question is are we observing more cases than expected? Then Are those cases likely to overload the NHS. Of course the NHS is more vulnerable due to the ramifications of locdowns. So it's somewhat of a vicious circle of restrictions causing the NHS to be both less able to deal with Covid or anything else.
like it wasn’t going to happen when they locked down late or opened schools or uncancelled Christmas...As long as the increase in cases doesn’t lead to an increase in hospitalisations it should be fine but if they need a couple of weeks to monitor then so be it. Rather that then not bothering and if being months.
the hospitalisations are now mainly younger fitter healthier people and the treatment has got better so they are able to discharge earlier. If this holds it should be ok but it could be best to monitor it for another 2 weeks. You can guarantee whatever Johnson does we should have done the opposite.
Genuine question. If the cases keep increasing and they do turn into a significant rise in hospitalisation and deaths. Do you just postpone the further restrictions or do you lockdown again on the basis that the vaccine program hasn't been effective?
beyond me that one mate. Glad I don’t have to make those decisions. I think we are all exhausted by the restrictions but at the same time do we want to kick it into the grass with autumn/ winter flu season approaching. We have cocked everything up it’s so hard to know.
Not as many voters as the TalkRadio poll last week but still far more than the government friendly You Gov polls where based off past questionaires they have a good idea which way someone will vote before giving them the option to vote and then only ask like a thousand people to give the government the impression that the public supports them. For the amount of people who are understandably weary of life going back to normal June 21st as they have got out of the habit of it, if all rules are dropped then everywhere would be packed out with people not worrying.
Yes, a poll about Lockdown presented to James Melville's Twitter followers would give a much broader cross section of the population than YouGov polls...