Let’s say your cat (if you’ve got one) was as big as a lion or a tiger. Do you think it would batter you around a bit and then kill you?
I've been watching a lot of wildlife videos on you tube. On the David Attenbrough programmes you just see the lion climbing on top of the wildebeest and your natural thought is that it is a pretty much instant death, once it has it's jaws around the poor antelope. That is not so - they tear at the behind until they make an incision and eat it alive from the outside in - really gruesome. iT can take many minutes before the animal is put out of it's misery. So if your moggy was lion size - be AFRAID be very AFRAID.
I would never trust a big Cat, al these owners who keep them as pets are much braver than I or completely pots fo rags.
Mine is too anxious as she's a rescue, so doubt it. Might feel more confident tearing the other cats a new one, though.
No doubt. I've had cats all my life and they've all been deranged human-haters. I do quite like them though!
Yeah I wouldn't trust her. And what if a tiger or lion was 'cat size'? Doubt I'd risk letting it on the bed given what you've said.
Most big cats suffocate their prey, although Asiatic leopards eviscerate monkeys so presumably would do the same to humans. If you broke your leg or something and couldn’t give them Dreamies for a few days, I’d be getting nervous.
? Are you sure it's a cat? Surprised the definition of 'cat' in the dictionary isn't "animal that stuffs its face full of dreamies."
I've had cats since I was seven. They were all psychopaths but fascinating all the same. The vet once said to one of them while sticking a thermometer up his rectum, (the cat's, that is) "If you were bigger I know what you'd be doing. You'd be running round this room with me in your mouth." Cats react to triggers like movement. Anybody who keeps one of the big cats as a pet is mad. Literally all you have to do is make the wrong move.
Ex missus was a cat lover and had two. Every time she left the room they went for me! Likkle tw a t s
Mine wouldn't have attacked me I'm sure as they were very affectionate ( but on their own terms) wouldn't have had them as pets if they'd been the size of a lion Though!!
This is frighteningly true. About 10 years ago I looked out of my kitchen window to see a huge black cat in next doors tree. No way it was a big domestic cat but more likely a puma. I tried to get a picture of it but it was silhouetted against the bright sky. I went out into my garden, not too far to get a better picture and saw it’s ice blue eyes. Scary. I phoned the police. They never got back to me until 7 at night. Obviously also scared.
Ours wouldn’t. She’s a rescue cat and basically frightened of everything. She won’t sit on anyone’s lap, but will sit alongside. She is very gentle with humans - less so with birds/ mice.
Hmmmm. Not sure. Look at the second picture. It's in her eyes, lulling you into a false sense of security. "Yeah... I'm so timid. Just wait til I grow to lion size"