Pogues.(Wembley stadium 1987) Crowd were throwing **** in plastic pint pots. Can’t say I blamed em. Jump club would have paid em off. I know some like em and some bands aren’t 5hite, it’s just cos you don’t like the music. But in their defence I reckon McGowan was pissed.
The only reason I said Killers is that the lead singer can't sing, and not just that he's not very good, he's absolutely dreadful, tone deaf I might even say. I saw them at Brixton and they were so poor, had to restart 2 songs because he missed his opening line. Shame, because some of their initial tunes were decent, but if you can't sing at all... well....
Mate, I listen to so much music, so many genres of it, from Sinatra to Slipknot, Elvis to Eminem.. I'm the one person on here who'll you never get to slag off a band/artist. Not nowadays. It's all subjective innit? The Killers are beige to me. Like Coldplay. A couple of tunes I don't mind but I wouldn't go and watch them play.
Got to be the London Boys, though after a gallon I reckon I've been up dancing to their 2 songs. The shame......
Personally I don’t like Radiohead, my ears find them pretty boring. Also don’t get the love for Pixies, Idles etc. Iv tried but just not for me. I like a lot of bands named in this thread, Coldplay, Keane, Nickelback, Blink, love em all!
I can understand why people might not like U2, but there's plenty of worse bands out there. New Year's Day is a tremendous song. Coldplay - agree. Absolutely awful.
With you on that mate. And Not a fan of coldplay. (I find em a little dull.) But Many millions are. (Each to their own) U2. I find. the dislike of bono distorts opinion. 110 million sales. more Grammys than ANY other band. Voted on many occasions in top 10 of all time. People may not like the music. Fine. But worst band ever. To those that think that . "Yer avin a laugh."
I would agree during the pop (discotheque) era. Then they reverted to type and were much more enjoyable. 70s 80s never matched though.