My rights are paramount. Nothing anyone else does should be allowed to impinge on what I want to do. No one else's welfare is any concern of mine if it stops me doing what I want. Of course I'll pass this selfishness off as a genuine concern for everyone and a defence of civil liberties but, in essence I'm a right selfish ba****d.
You don’t understand, I’m the selfish one for wanting restrictions that are of no benefit to me but are for the good of society as a whole. Or summat.
I think restrictions should now be lifted as planned. I though have not had a cough, cold, sore throat or anything in the last 18 months which can only be attributed to masks, washing hands more, social distancing, working from home, not going abroad. So i probably wont go stand 10 deep at the bar to get served again, i will continue to sanitise more than i did prior, i think i will refrain from attending big indoor gatherings or may still wear a mask if i feel it necessary, i will continue to work from home as ive demonstrated i can do that more efficently than being in the office, i enjoy holidays in our country and can manage with that until the virus drops off due to vaccination across the world and i dont need to hug people i dont know. Others though who need want to visit people abroad, go to the theatre, work in an office etc should now be allowed to. Remove restrictions doesnt mean removing common sense.
I don't know how you have the patience to keep arguing with them. I gave up many months ago or I'd have got myself banned.
Fair enough mate, more than happy to hold my hands up on this one. It’s not something that affects me and I thought I’d seen that those exact restrictions were relaxed. Either way, it’s not something I’d class as “extreme restrictions” and it’s not something worth raising the blood pressure for!
Not being able to see loved ones has been the hardest part of thev restrictions. Hope things go ok today.
The favourite now seems to be a four week delay, taking us up to 19 July now for full reopening. That seems to be being touted as two weeks to do more jabs and two further weeks for business to gear up. Some will say "well, we've cone this far....." Othets will be less patient. The talk is still of wanting the final reopening to be 'irreversible, but I'm not sure that can be guaranteed.
Chose either way not everyone will be happy, on one hand you can argue that another few weeks won’t hurt given how far were into it but the other case is that we’re just kicking the can down the street!! Surely this virus is here for good now and like many other viruses in circulation we’ll had to live with sad as it is with any virus it takes lives but a think the amount of damage it’s doing in our society now is enough to reopen and let the people live there lives. It’s evident with Jay’s outburst that people are at breaking point and he’ll be one of many 100’s of thousands too
Totally get your point, and I don't know what the answer is. I can see both sides. And I have to admit there are many out there that are affected more badly than me and mine.
You could say that about both sides of the debate to be fair. Not exclusive to one set of opinions. You’ve still got people saying ‘what’s another few weeks’ as if everyone is obsessed with their own personal circumstances. Some of us, many of us, are thinking about other people and businesses as well.
You’re bang out of order here. Not for the first time. I know you have had a very tough time of it the last year, nobody is disputing that, but the personal attacks on people that have also suffered, have also had their lives turned upside down, have also had to make sacrifices, have also lost loved ones are reprehensible. Do you think there’s a single person in the country (and probably in the world) that hasn’t been affected by Covid and regulations? There’s not only you that’s had a tough time of it. Not to mention the fact that you’re wrong. You could have formed a bubble and had sex within that bubble. I accept that your own circumstances meant that was not something you could do, but it was something you could have done, legally. Finally, I’m truly sorry for your girlfriends loss. Dr Bridson was a wonderful man, I know that from personal experience. He will be sorely missed and I hope it goes as well today as it possibly can. I wish your girlfriend was able to make it. British Airways furloughs more staff with holidays been cancelled and re arranged with no top destinations currently on the green list. The official advice on amber countries is people shouldn't be holidaying there.
Hide in your home for eternity and wear 5 masks at once if you are so scared. Im not, and neither are the over 50s I know who've had two jabs. Its time to stop this Soviet mentality and just let people make their own choices. Lift all restrictions.
hou could have you just chose not to. This weekend I’m having a weekend away. Going to a gig. Going for a meal with friends. Why doubt you do that if you want.