Nothing particularly that jumps to mind tbh pal. Copley’s is the highlight I’m afraid! There’s a really good garden centre cafe a little further afield, just east of garforth (North of cas) as you say she likes that sort of thing!
Meanwhile, we have Blackbirds, Doves and Crows basically waking us at 4am, shitting all over the garden all day, aggressively chasing us in the garden, finally shutting the f’ck up at 9.30pm. Fantastic. Delighted that our neighbours felt the need to invite them with endless amounts of food they don’t need. But it’s our cat, (that actually digs a hole for her crap) in OUR garden by the way that is the bad guy. Let’s not let nature take care of itself. (Birds feeding themselves) Let’s draw rats and birds unnaturally to our gardens and then discriminate against domestic cats and dogs when they react as nature intended.
Don't get me started on this! We live in a semi detached and decided to have part of the fencing replaced to the left hand boundary and along the rear. Out of courtesy I spoke to the neighbours on three separate occasions and explained our intentions, style of fencing etc. We have a patio at the top of the garden so wanted 6ft close boarded fencing (just to that section) for privacy and as the neighbours have a hot tub thought it would also give them privacy. They said they had no issues but as soon as the fencing was finished they moved a large bird feeder right next to the fencing at the patio area. All the fencing is covered in bird ****, can't hang the washing out because that gets covered in bird **** and also in the week our 4 month olds pram which was out on the patio had bird **** in it . Absolutely furious and I'm ready for a confrontation with them tomorrow. Thing is our neighbours don't even own next door, they rent but let their dog **** all over the back garden and don't clean it up. There was no, oh thank you for sorting the fencing and we're happy to pay part of the cost either, ignorant arseholes!
Sorry - i feel your pain. But apparently you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Just off to get my 4 hours sleep before the birds gorge themselves on next doors offerings ....
If they rent next door, shouldn't you be asking the owner instead about matters relating to your boundary?
No feeders anywhere near me but I still get the dawn chorus.I love hearing birdsong and tbh they never shut up in my garden cos there's lots of trees around!
Veggie/vegans/ public transport users, who refuse to contribute to the destruction of the natural world. ****ers.
Not expecting many likes for this. Amazing how folk will moralise on everything, but the obvious & immediate. Valid opinions vanish with tomorrow’s bacon butty, soz.
The people next door are long term tenants so spoke to them but in hindsight should have involved the landlord. What's annoyed me most is that they said that they hadn't got an issue with it when they obviously had but for whatever reason didn't say anything at the time. How do you obtain a property owners details? Is it via the online land registry?
Yes - very easy to obtain details of the owner, although the owner's own home address might not show up.
How do you know they put it there as revenge because they had a problem with the fence and not just because they think it is a good place for it? Have you asked them to move it further away and pointed out all the poo everywhere?
Agreed. Sounds to me like the new fence made an area on their side that by thought would be a good spot for it. No need to assume revenge based on what has been said so far
I love being Public Enemy Number 1! As a Barnsley fan, putting Barnsley first before any other football team. Liking Cauley Woodrow & Alex Mowatt, not to mention Conor Hourihane. Feeding wild birds birds and not attracting rats into our garden. What can I do next? The world's my oyster! Now I know how John Dillinger felt!