They're going to have to replace the temporary bridge with another temporary bridge soon. The current one is falling to bits and is frankly dangerous in places
Useless shower. Could have dug an underpass in half the time. Now it'll be another season of walking the long way round to Oakwell, past the cat whisperer's house and the overflowing wheelie bins.
I honestly believe that (not that I have any evidence). I firmly believe though that an organisation world rather you hurt yourself a lot milimeters off their land / property than have a lesser incident on it where legal action could be taken against them.
Hang on, is that news? Wasn't it going to be done towards the end of the year for a while? Having said that, I'm not sure why some of this work and preferred bidder wasn't sorted years back.
The only thing that's surprising about this is that some people on here thought it would be done on time
I honestly don't think the new bridge will ever be opened to football traffic, I strongly suspect the Politburo/Council is conditioning fans to approach the ground from Swabisch Gmund Way or from behind the Alhambra - with the intention of making that arrangement permanent.
I don't think that's right. From looking at all the plans and reading the document a big part of the design was focused on its ability to handle football traffic. It would have been a much cheaper bridge if it didn't have to have the capacity for football
All level crossings are dangerous and that’s why Network Rail are spending millions on a closure programme throughout the country. However, Jumble Lane was also closed to save on the upgrade costs required to move the crossing controls elsewhere. Jumble Lane level crossing has now been decommissioned and won’t open again. It’s never really been on time though has it? The bridge was planned to open in 2019 to meet the conditions set by Network Rail in order to receive the 2 million. If the crossing wasn’t closed then, the payment wouldn’t have been made. Other than the last update from the council that suggested the bridge would be built this summer and open by November, we’ve never had official confirmation of an opening date. Unfortunately, The Glassworks construction, Covid-19, and the need to divert the watercourse running underneath the site, have all contributed to the delay. I’d also assume procurement has been delayed due to Covid-19 protocols within the council - just look at how long some planning applications are taking to go through currently!
Now that the crossing is closed have you any idea why the little control box next to it is still operational? There was someone sat in it when I went past last week. Also any idea on a timeframe for the rest of the town centre things? I've managed to lose track again of when things are due to open
I’m not sure how long that signal box will stay open for. I don’t know if the points for the Huddersfield line are still being controlled there. The Glassworks is still scheduled for September, but not all stores/restaurants will open then, or at the same time. The building work is all but finished. Some tenant fit outs have already started, but some have been delayed due to Covid. The 4 restaurant units under the bowling alley are all likely to be filled. Quite a few of the other units are with solicitors now too. You can see the current leasing plan on the website. All the purple units are currently being negotiated with occupiers.
Thanks. I cant wait for the hoardings to finally come down because it all looks amazing. I think if the public get behind it then it could very well be the best thing to happen to the town for decades. I still wish they'd do something about the frontage of boots and the former bus buildings though through compulsory purchase or just a grant to the owners
There were a group of people in suits looking at the frontage on Wednesday some had BMBC ID cards hanging around their necks discussing the cladding .