IT's very standard that they have no control over what camera is shown. Happens at basically every event. They could have cut to the studio earlier though for sure.
Not arguing here with anyone but I think people may be being a bit harsh on the BBC, did they have the power of veto?
The most extraordinary and haunting piece of commentary/presenting I've ever seen was Jim Ross at the WWE (WWF as it were) live event where the wrestler Owen Hart died in the ring. Poor JR had to keep his composure and try to fill the void while they were working on him in the ring just s few yards in front of him. They took Owen away and continued (yeah I know). Jim Ross was told in his earpeace to update the the worldwide TV audience and he asked what is the update? The voice in his ear said 'hes dead, and you're back live in 10, 9 8...'
Considering the state that lad was clearly in, it's nothing short of miraculous to hear he's been revived and stabilised, and thank God for that, and for the wonderful medical staff. Re the TV coverage, his legs were 'fitting' slightly before the medics even reached him, and from that point I had my head in my hands (too close to home), so I'd think purely from an instinctive point of view the TV stations/producers could have considered cutting away from the live feed, but at the same time they are there to show what is broadcast, and would of course all have been hoping and praying to be able to show more positive images. There are almost endless reasons to criticise the BBC, but I don't think this is one of them.
I think they were wrong to leave it on the world feed as long as they did but to be honest I think the actions of that world eufa feed were much more disgusting. Close ups of his crying partner ffs
Same happened when Marc Vivien Foe died, think it was on Channel 5 and they had no control due to it being a FIFA production. Will never forget that day. Edit: Just to add to my initial post Jonathan Pearce was the commentator that day. Feel for him, bet he'll have been in an emotional state.
Lacked any class and compassion to zoom in on his wife. All that's wrong with the media in past 20 years. Disaster porn nothing else to call it, straight out of the Murdoch playback.
Timely hands only CPR can and will save lives if you don't have training please take moment to find out how to do it. Automatic defibrillators should be absolutely available in public places.
Basic life saving should be taught to everyone, and every year we should all refresh. You never know when you'll need it. I've had to give CPR twice whilst at Manchester Airport. They both survived but it was frightening, much prefer dealing with blood and dressing wounds and a patient in pain and conscious.
Yep remember that, thankfully I forgot to tape that main event. Used to love watching WWE in the attitude era. Got to see Owen Hart live, he and his family were bloody good.
That would be amazing, I'd certainly support it. Blimey, that's quite a situation to have been in twice. Well done for stepping up and playing your part.
Didn't have a choice or have chance to think about it on both occasions. The yearly refreshers clearly worked, and I just went into autopilot. The triple rum and coke once I got home helped. After the first one, I couldn't remember the drive home over the Woodhead.
Definitely agree with that . Once saw someone choking and some people not knowing what to do . Fortunately there were also a few people who did and the situation was handled . However people were reminiscing tales of situations where people almost died in cases they were present because no one knew or were confident enough to intervene . Luckily in all the cases that were related the outcome was good but I’ve read newspaper articles where although rare this wasn’t the case .
Just read an article that says the Heimlich manoeuvre is no good, purely the invention of a quack doctor.
Wide angle shot would have been the better option, at first I was screaming at the telly box to get back to the studio, but after seeing Micah and Alex so shook up maybe that wouldn't have been the right call