Do you know when the work for the frontage of the Civic Theatre is due to be completed. I know they’ve not started yet, but I read a while back a decision was made to bring this in keeping with the rest of the work.
Get the Royal Marines in, we'll have a perfectly functioning bridge in about a week. Failing that, have a big lego amnesty in the town and bring in a few master builders (add glue). Tell thi, eveything will be awesome.
Sorry I’m not sure. I know there was a successful bid to support this, and think there’s been a public consultation to see what people would like to see. As it’s technically a separate scheme to the Glassworks, I’d assume it won’t be happening until later this year/early next year. The demolition of the old Devonshire pub should be starting within the next month or so. The public realm work is happening in phases. The bits outside the Alhambra should be finished for the opening in September, and they’ve just started on Peel Square - that’s meant to last until early next year (say goodbye to the underground toilets).
What's the purpose of the knocking down of the old pub? Is it just to improve the area or was there another reason? At one point it was stated that it was to make existing easier for lorries, but it seems most of that work has been done now so seems an unlikely reason. TIA.
Just to improve the area, as it's the first impression of Barnsley that people see when they arrive at the interchange.
The initial plan was to pedestrianise Kendray Street but still allow one way access for vehicles servicing the Bowling Alley and restaurants underneath. The vehicles would’ve entered via Midland Street and exited up Kendray Street. Since then the chip shop has closed and the building has stood empty. The council were successful in a bid for funding to make improvements to Eldon Street, therefore, the plans changed. Service/delivery vehicles will now use Midland Street to enter and exit. Demolishing the building provides more room for them to make a left turn at the end of Midland Street, opens up the space outside the interchange, and means the outdoor space for the restaurants on Kendray Street can be slightly bigger.
According to the leasing plan the other three are currently with solicitors to agree terms. One of the units was pre-let to a local operator, but they backed out due to Covid. The two restaurant units underneath Cineworld appear to still be available and I would imagine they’ll want to try and get well-known names in those. I do know the leasing profile was changed after Covid to try and attract a different mix. With those units next to Nando’s being so close to the station, I wouldn’t be that surprised if one of them was taken by a fast food chain. The casual dining sector is a bit of a mess right now and a lot of operators are being really cautious. Cabinet members should be getting a leasing update at the end of this month. Public and press are excluded from that meeting as they discuss financials, but if they’re close to reaching an agreement with a national chain then they’ll want that news out pretty quickly. I would assume they’ll be trying to finalise as many deals as possible over the next few months so they can do a big press release just before opening.