And despite all this, there’s even now folk still daft enough to believe them when they say they’ll voluntarily hand back the freedoms they’ve summarily removed.
Tories who have been in power most of my 50 odd years want to level things up....who unlevelled it in the first place
Its happening across the country. Funds for tory councils and tory areas, while ignoring the areas they want to vote tory. Sadly, its working for them. The deprived areas that don't get funds then blame labour councils and the area turns blue. I'll be surprised if most Barnsley constituencies aren't blue at the next GE.
Hopefully Starmer will be allowed to let the reigns go. a bit more when we get round to policies and not brexit/covid. He'll, I believe, rip this. two hat. BJ. To pieces and hopefully the electorate finally see through the tories for what they are. Sadly I fear the media will sway the day. To suit their owners. I'm still a little concerned Starmer would not go as far as I would. On policies. but tbf. He needs to appeal to the majority. I was quite impressed with his interview on Piers Morgan. A humble background and intelligent man.
I hope so, but we're definitely in a period where cult of celebrity prevails over competence and general decency. And when that personality is propped up constantly irrespective of what they do, say and the swathe of failures... how do you cut through? Starmer has always struck me as a decent guy that is clearly intelligent. I'd vote simply for decency at the minute and not think too much about policy. It's that important to stop this cabal as fast as is possible.