We’ll not be in Oakwell until 2022 at the very earliest mate, possibly 2023 until everyone can be back in. Heartbreaking.
Can't see why we won't next season with the population vaccinated. People will still get covid the vaccines don't stop that it apparently stops you from getting very ill from covid.
But with every vulnerable person and millions of non vulnerable people in England already offered vaccines then if they won't allow it now why would they ever?
I cant answer that one I think all over 50s have been offered both jabs so for me that should mean we go back to normality and move forward. But goverment and scientists maybe think diffrent.
The words of former prime minister and Tory MP Theresa May: We now have over 50% of the adult population vaccinated - a wonderful programme - yet we're more restricted on travel than we were last year. In 2020, I went to Switzerland in August, South Korea in September, there was no vaccine and travel was possible - this year there is a vaccine, travel is not possible. I really don't understand the stance the government is taking. I think there are some facts the government needs to be upfront with the British people about and ministers need to think a bit more of when making these decisions. First we will not eradicate COVID-19 from the UK. There will not be a time when we can say that there will never be another case of COVID-19 in this country. Secondly variants will keep on coming. There will be new variants every year. If the government's position is that we cannot open up travel until there are no new variants elsewhere in the world then we will never be able to travel abroad ever again. And the third fact that the government needs to state much more clearly is that sadly people will die from COVID here in the UK in the future, as 10,000 to 20,000 people do every year from flu. It is incomprehensible that one of the most heavily vaccinated countries in the world is one that is most reluctant to give its citizens the freedoms those vaccinations should support.
Absolutely no chance. These restrictions will go on for another year at the very least. Us peasants have got used to it now.
We’ve got no chance. Too many are indoctrinated now. Many who would consider themselves left too. The problem is these bells are probably further to the right than Blair.
I'm sure that fans will be. I'm not so sure that all fans will be without having to prove themselves as clean and pure first
Funny how she's not stating that prior to the vaccine rollout the variants which are causing such issues were due to having a porous border system. Yes that woman who wanted to create an hostile environment. You couldn't make it up. Maybe she needs to go look for some corn fields or nettles to walk through.
Yes in relation to last year, she probably went walking in Switzerland. She played along with the joke border policy that turned into a disaster costing ten of thousands of lives. She couldn't set the standard and said to folk, for just 1 summer stay at home. It was all so predictable what occurred November to March, I wouldn't trust her to tell me the time. What's her stance on closing the border to India or more broadly? She's not got one now or 7 weeks again, reason being gotta keep the donors sweet. She'll still get briefings due to being an ex PM, why gob off now? Over 100k dead, that should niggle her surely? She wants her holiday. Saint f*cking Theresa.
I think it's ******* hilarious that you think sacrificing lives to save the economy is a left wing position.
Important points from Theresa: The UK will never be rid of Covid British people will always die of covid Our shores will forever face new variants. We cant do anymore than jab the vulnerable.