Seems to me like they're taking the Fox News approach of "we're not news, we're an entertainment show". No news, just "debates" and "analysis". Allows them to spread nonsense and lies without comeuppance.
I suspect he'll come along at the point where the producers realise the viewing numbers aren't great. He'll then ask for a premium, and the channel will hope they get a boost. It seems its perfect for him. A shapeshifter that will say anything for money.
Not a single British tax paying penny went into the creation of this fascist propaganda machine. It's amazing what some folk will do for money. Should be called "according to Tufton Street TV. " " and here's a few messages from our fake interest groups and lobbyists.....sorry sponsors. Please don't look into any of them, they've genuinely got your best interests at heart......honest"
Not really paid much attention to this. Just been and had a quick look at the website. So far... Andrew Neil has a segment called 'Woke Watch' There's a show called 'Free Speech Nation' Taking the knee is waging a culture war on fans British Unionism needs to save the UK I think we can all see where this is heading...
Can't wait to get back home to watch a bit of this. I'll either be in stitches on the floor or my tele will end up in the tree over the road...
Won't be long before they launch their one minute salute as they all stand in unison before an image of the Queen. I suspect my father in law will likely watch it. Had a chat with him on the phone on Saturday in which he regaled me with stories that all the covid variants are being brought in by "foreigners" in their dinghies.
It's basically a channel presented by contrarian, know-nothing, right-wing divs for the entertainment of flag-worshipping, immigrant-hating, knee-booing divs.
I've already been told by out and out racist family members to 'tuern off those lefty channels and watch the real deal. You'll soon see how many problems the *racist word* cause really'
It's just grim. I suspect it will get worse before it ever gets better. The amount of anything centre to left leaning or truly independent (which really is what news should be) is such a thin wedge of the media that people see.
The plot for this film and the graphic comics are almost like a check list of what's coming next. It's bloody frightening.