For all concerned? Are you sure? At the right time and in the right environment, it adds to the experience. Not all the time though and not without the ability to order from the bar. Another blanket view of something that is incorrect.
Plus one for table service here. Queuing 6 deep at the bar is a right pain. I do miss being able to stand up with a pint though and have a walk around and a chin wag to different people
Depends where you are and what kind of experience you are after. Agree it has some plus points but also negatives. It reduces capacity so venues can't make as much money. As a result can't justify having the extra staff required unless they know they will be "full" so it can be slow. Having to book tables if you go somewhere busy can the the fun out of day out. You can't risk just Turing up at some places as you won't get in. Again if you are going to just one place that's fine if you are wanting a bit of a day out it's not so good. It's not better for all concerned but I admit it does have some positives.
Its not better for the landlords as they have to pay for extra staff and every round of drinks takes more time due to waitresses taking orders then bringing the drinks, taking payment bringing change if required so obviously they,re selling less beer, you also need to remember that the pubs are currently running at around 50% capacity so it would probably be nowhere near as efficient should it be used at full capacity...
Apart from the excessive costs of extra staff (European countries all tend to have lower alcohol duty so more of the cost of a drink goes towards staffing),this graphic shows why it's not the great idea it's cracked up to be.
Am I missing something? 6 deep at a bar? At a town centre bar maybe, at a relaxed pub does that actually happen?
Can't wait for it back to normal, able to have a game of pool with mates, people on karaoke, people standing and talking. The longer its table service the faster pint prices will rise for lack of people in pub and more staff on. You minght like it I know plenty who don't and who won't go back before that and masks have gone.
Just an observation, but bars on the continent very often operate on table service only. They do often have much larger areas for outdoor seating and suspect rents and overheads are much lower given that they are able to have more staff to serve. I've always preferred it myself rather that it being a contest of who has the sharpest elbows.
And the rest of the world. Any foreigner walking into a British bar without prior instructions will die of thirst.
I’d have to calculate the number of acceptable deaths to get rid of karaoke once and for all. Posted with the absolute certainty at least one person will wilfully read that obvious joke as me being a psychopath
yeah between 290 and 300 tin foil hat wearers not sure the Govt will be shaking in their boots at that one.
best thing to happen in terms of quality of experience in pubs for years. Think I will stick to places that keep it just because it’s do much better.
There's a time and place for table service if I'm out for some nice snap with the other half is one. If I'm its before a big game say a derby or a f.a Cup semi against one of the top 6, soaking up the atmosphere in town I don't want to be sat down and having drinks brought to me.
Hope table service is scrapped. I prefer being served a drink when I want it. Not when the waiter is around.