Reminds me of the time years ago went out on the town with a mate and ended up in a club playing really loud music. Even though he was sat next to me I couldn't hear a word. I was just nodding everytime he said something Anyways, next day mate says to me when am I booking the holiday???? Apparently I had agreed to book a weeks holiday for 4 mates to Greece. Lol
Why do we call Deutschland Germany? Why do the French call us Angleterre? Why call London Londres? Why is Nippon Japan Examples all.over the place. It's just the way it is.
I can explain the Angleterre . Saxon England was actually two tribes the Angles and Saxons and Terre in French means land so land of the Angles Also Anglia is named after them .
My grandad did his national service there, lovely little place apparently. Saying it in flawless Welsh was always his party trick
With Germany/Deutschland, I’d guess it’s a romantic/Latin name vs the native Germanic name. It was Germania to the Romans
St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the Church of St Tysilio of the red cave. Following the Act of Union between Wales and England in the C16 England became the official language in Wales - Welsh place names were changed and given English names - e.g. Swansea was originally Abertawe - Wales was called Cymru. The Welsh language was not allowed to be spoken in schools. Depriving people of their native tongue is a form of oppression. Travelling in Wales you will notice place names are in both English and Welsh - in a few years they will probably be only in Welsh. Since the establishing of the Welsh Senedd steps have been taken to use the original Welsh place names not the Anglicized ones and the Welsh Language is being protected. O/T there is a row brewing in Northern Ireland. The DUP opposed to the teaching of the Irish Language in the schools - Sinn Fein objecting (rightly) to this. good luck to Keiffer and Cymru in their match tomorrow v Turkey.
On the same theme, the German for Milan is Mailand, the German for Venice is Venedig, whereas the Italian is Venezia. The English for Bayern is Bavaria, so our reference to Bayern Munich is a little odd, in that we translate Muenchen as Munich, but leave Bayern untranslated.
I've always been bemused why we made up our own names for places/ countries instead of using their names, however... Nearer to home, why is Barugh said as Bark?
Good question about Barugh. There are so many examples off top of my head. Cuduth, Dodoth, Wum-well, Pennistun etc
Barugh ( bark ) Green..... Many years ago whilst leaning how to drive a bus in the driving school at Yorkshire Traction we were joined by an Indian bloke who's command of the English language wasn't the greatest ....when he first joined...... Due to the test bus being off the road due to a break down ...those without a driving licence only provisional joined our group who had a licence for cars... Whilst out driving one day Our instructor informed the Indian guy to follow the Barugh Green sign post... instead he veered to the right heading towards Darton...on approaching the little roundabout further down the road he was once again told to follow the barugh green sign...once again he continued towards Darton...the instructor pulled him over and said right we are going to turn round and this time I want you to follow the signs for barugh green...we turn around and once again he failed to do as he was asked....upon pulling him over ..Ken the instructor had lost his patience and shouted at him how many times do you need telling to follow the sign his defence the chap said I'm sorry but I haven't seen any sign for barugh we once again turn the bus around and I'm told to get in the saddle and slow down once I get to the barugh green signage on doing so the instructor says look...and then spells out..B.A.R.U.G.H..G.R.E.E.N...fC UKING barugh green.....easy...the Indian chap goes no no no.....That says barrrooo green....bark is Spelt B.A.R.K you fcu king wonder I'm getting confused..... He did go on to pass his test.eventually ...but in the part of training where you had to identify road signs ...he said it was an humptee back bridge and the uneven road sign was an humptee humptee back bridge Happy days..Happy memories
People from there call it noooocattle. But the rest of England call it Newcastle. We call this town Barnsley. The rest of England seem to call it Baaaaaaaaaaarnsley when you tell them where you’re from. Strange one.