The thing is he doesn't really know his football. Nor do the vast majority of pundits - their tactical analysis is non-existent. It doesn't follow that because someone played football they are good at analysis. I'd love to see football coverage have someone like Michael Cox on at the side of Rio Ferdinand or Robbie Savage. He'd utterly embarrass them, but apparently analysis from people like him is somehow less valid because they haven't played football
She's not on her own red. I agree with her. Just had the pleasure of watching Yorks.v leics T20. 462 runs 40 overs. Via you tube on tv. Genuinely don't know the scores from the football. I might have a look afore I go to bed.
Nooooooo. Wake me up when it's over. Unless by some chance. England reach the final. I may give that a coit of looking at. Love Barnsley hate Football.
I've never seen her before but I thought she was very natural and engaging tonight, a very welcome addition to football coverage in my eyes.
Blaming it on “woke” **** just suggests you’ll only be happy with a white male presenter. For me, I think Seema Jaswal doesn’t pull off the anchor role, but that’s nothing to do with sex or race - I rate Reshmin Chowdhury and Gabby Logan, whereas something about Mark Pougatch sets me off like fingernails down a blackboard.
All the former pros are terrible pundits, men and women. The ones who actually know their football are out doing it - Mick McCarthy for example. There are so many people who would be better at the job than the usual cast, but since they have got a few caps for England they get a job for life.
Some of the stuff he comes out with makes me laugh but the fact he let down his own national side means I cant him seriously when it comes to international football. Like Weighty and Viera though.
Ideally, at half-time they could give us five seconds of first half analysis by @Bossman. Then fill the rest out with Tom and Jerry cartoons. Perfect.
Unless it's a game involving Barnsley, I never watch the pre-match ballox, half-time twaddle or post-match drivel. They all do my head in.
Same here. I tune in just in time to see the line-ups. Half-time is for making a cuppa and whatnot, and I'm off as soon as the final whistle blows.
For a game I’m anticipating I might see some of the pre-match, half time is for getting a drink and going to the loo. At full time the game is over, and unless there was something particularly interesting I’d want to see discussed, I see no point in watching. I like watching football, not watching other people talk about football.
I hate loads of stuff on telly, I just don't watch em. I never watch or watched Love Island same with X Factor. Yet folk who like me who didn't watch felt compelled to personally attack Caroline Flack over a number years. That ended well didn't it? The British keep calm and carry mantra seems dead. I will admit I've slated GB TV, only because they've provided a platform for opinion based shows presented by the same kind of people who drove Miss Flack to her grave.