Definition: Alert to injustice in society, especially racism. If woke is meant to be a slur, or negative jibe, I'm happy to be called it which I'll wear proudly as a badge of honour.
Likewise. Though, I don't think anti-woke means you're against all those things. This is when ideology and identity politics becomes dangerous.
Spot on mate, One of the best things I came across to address things like this was when I was studying at Barnsley College (many moons ago) one of the female lecturer’s who taught Literature and a class called ‘Women’s Studies’ was confronted in a stern manner by a student and he asked if she was a ‘Feminist’ she simply replied ‘if you can explain to me what you mean by Feminist I will answer you’ After several failed attempts to explain this, he simply gave up.
File under liberal, radical-left, looney-left, political correctness, snowflake. For a bit of balance, I understand that the agenda can be pushed too far sometimes (usually combined with "cultural appropriation" in a Guardian article) but I've usually only ever seen "woke" used as a slur for anyone with political leanings that are marginally more left-leaning than the aggressor.
I get called a socialist lefty woke snowflake all the time. I always thank them for their kind words. being called a right-wing uninformed bigot doesn't quite hold the same appeal for me.
I'd say so. Classic Liberalism would be a starting point. I believe everyone is born free and equal, regardless of skin colour, class etc. The belief that one is a lesser person because of their skin colour is abhorrent. To deny racism is also nuts. But I don't think it's smart to accuse all white people of being inherently racist. Collective guilt for 8ndividual crimes is dangerous. Anyway, don't want to open a can of worms. It's best to just be a kind, generous and thoughtful person to all people you meet, if you can. I think you do that.
I'm just thankful that I woke this morning and hope I continue to wake in the mornings for a good few years.
I just wish the red-faced fellows would learn the difference between left and liberal, and that you can be both of these but can equally just be one of them. They’re not the same thing.
No. But I'd class woke as taking it beyond that. There's a wealth of literature about at the moment that condemns all white people as racist. It's very popular. I think that's terrible. It's a fashionable idea, sure. But I think it's inaccurate and only makes things worse for those fighting inequality. I'm not disagreeing with your basic argument. I completely agree. But I think the agenda of a lot of 'wokeists' will only make things worse.
I've never seen woke being anti-white, just anti ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and racism. Perhaps I'm simply naïve and not very clever.
Well I agree. It is wrong. But thats what a lot of people buying into at the moment. I'd class that sort of thinking as 'woke' because it goes beyond reason.
I wouldn't say you're either of those things. You're clever very intelligent and you communicate on here very well. You have the respect of pretty much everyone here. But I'd say there is an anti white narrative about that is gaining traction. I don't understand it. Maybe I'm stupid.