I wouldn't say there are things I hate. Probably other than those who hate most intently, but it doesn't always go that far. Plenty of things that aren't my preference or things I particularly like. You can also comment on things you don't like and not descend to hate, though we know the same isn;t always extended in return. The comments about that "news" channel are highlighting its limitations and where its leaning to and how its exacerbating (intentionally) the schism in the nation. That seems very far removed from someone who gets whipped up into a frenzy just because a woman shares comments about a football match.
Some people on here are completely missing my original point.I have absolutely no problem with equal opportunities.I also enjoy holding hands and singing.
You been in the sun too long? Tele is absolutely rammed with white middle-aged dudes. A few women and people from minority backgrounds is hardly 'ticky box oveload'. Get that knotted handkerchief off your head, get under the parasol and slap some aftersun on.
Looks like most people got your original point loud and clear - I think it might be you who's missing something. "Ticky box overload": https://www.tvnewsroom.org/bbc-sport/bbc-sport-football-presenters-commentators-106132/
Hey Red Mist, I still don't think I get what you're saying. Could you go into a bit more detail for us? Is your issue that the pundits are perceived to be left wing people? Or do you think that the panels are diverse in a way that is a box ticking exercise? Ie you think the BBC etc have pressure to include a woman and person of colour etc on each panel. If it's the latter then I don't think I could agree with you. I think everyone I've seen on any coverage has been good, apart from maybe John Hartson and Jenas, so I can't see who has got a job for any reson other than their skills. Regardless, it's right to represent the diverse population of the UK on our screens.
I'd love for all the pundits to have their identities and voices hidden and then be ranked by viewers. I reckon the "ticky box overload" presenters would rank somewhere near the top, with the ex pros down the bottom.
By this do you mean that you’re on a diet? Or that you’re not going to elaborate on your post because the more detail you give, the worse you look?
I wasn't fishing! They were genuine questions. If we're not getting what you meant - explain it to us!
I see you've edited it and made yourself look like even more of a **** by making joked about equal opportunities. Great job. We all know you're an ignorant bigot, no need to keep confirming it.