Owner is a “Bill Gates is behind lockdown” conspiracy theorist apparently https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/livid-barnsley-coffee-shop-owner-20824057
"Bill Gates loving cretin criminals" I hate the government as much as the next person, and am against the very concept of billionaires; but when Bill Gates is mentioned in the context of the pandemic it's always as part of a conspiracy theory. Usually to do with vaccine microchips, depopulation, etc.
I like the Coffee Boy shop across the road from Daddy Beanz. If you like Donuts they have an amazing selection
He's spoke about how he is very worried about another lockdown in Autumn. Says it is inevitable and that would end his business. Feel for the guy. I'll be giving him my custom again.
Nice bloke. Mad as a bag of frogs. Lost a grand a week between November and April. Thats including Government handouts and furlough scheme. House is at risk if the business fails. thats the reality of what lockdowns cause in terms of collateral damage. What was it a poster said on here last year? if they dont offer online services **** em?
This is a big problem and has been since day one, it's disgusting the way the party of business has treated small and medium size businesses. Totoally incompetent in every area since day one., but that doesn't excuse stupid rants like that.
I love donuts but I'm a fat pig so I've banned them from my diet. Is still rather have a Manchester tart though. Food is the best.
Thing for me and I note they have been shut last two days, not many of the staff wear masks and wear the green lanyards ,which I firmly believe are used as a cop out unless it’s a significant mental phobia or a major breathing issue there is no excuse. Then you have those wearing them and smoking like chimneys!
So he's blaming a bloke from US for problems caused by the blonde pillock and his mates. Brainwashing at its finest, probably voted Tory at local elections.
You might not need a mask in his place, but you'll definitely need a tin foil hat. Especially if he asks you about what "ingredients Bill Gates has put in the vaccine" then tells you to "do your own research"