I'm really really confused now. Because you said to me a few posts back that I wasn't a racist. Now you've said everyone here is a racist. Ergo, that I am too. I'm not really sure which of my open questions led you to that seismic volte face. Maybe it was asking if you voted for Joe Biden, oh well.
I've not read this whole thread because it seems like it's taken a turn for the daft. There's a small group of people who might think of themselves as the extreme left, who take the ideals of equality and social justice so seriously that they commit stupid and offensive acts. It seems like some people labelling themselves Antifa do this quite often, but I don't think that the actions of the few idiots are really relevant to anything else. Equally, the actions of Tommy Robinson don't represent fiscally right wing people.
Now you’re rambling !probably because you can’t get your point across and that’s understandable when you’re arguing that Antifa is a renowned organisation and not a stance .
Never lived anywhere near Barnsley, but have known plenty of people who associate or identify with antifa over the last 20 years or so - certainly enough to consider Hunter Biden solidly on the right!
It seems we’ll never know how long @tomaiba believed that Antifa were responsible for the insurrection, I’m guessing there’s a bit of him that still does
The mask of freedom, love and not supporting bullying of any kind even if it's from the left. Yeah pretty much.
Yes I can see why you’d have that view that people looking to even up the world are stupid and idiotic . I’d also say they some right wing people aren’t all Tommy Robinson but I’d say they were more likely to be against social justice as much as Tommy Robinson and use that movement as a scapegoat .
But I strongly dislike Tommy Robinson and you guys are all defending Antifa like your life depends on it. Big difference.
You could have answered that question one of the 3 times I asked. As you didn’t, I’m not sure I care what you say you think
You obviously missed some aspects of the riots in London last year then. I'm not saying it's on the level of anti black sentiments, but it is there and it's growing. And I've never lynched anyone? I don't think anyone on this forum has. When did that last happen here? You've also obviously not read the wealth of literature that's doing the rounds now - you can pick up some of it in Tesco. Obviously now, because I've voiced a few concerns about people on the extreme left, that I think will actually make things worse for everyone, I'm the bad guy! So forget it.
I spent most of the last week tagged in a Twitter discussion where someone was openly arguing that Churchill was evil because the UK (and USA) didn't side with Hitler and Hirohito in 1941 to beat the Soviets and Chinese in WW2. Apparently Stalin and Mao were greater threats to humanity than Hitler - despite being pointed out all the flaws in his arguments (repeatedly), there are people that believe any old crap.
but why are we selective in challenging racial issues? - We rightly condemn those who boo when players are 'taking the knee' in support of Black Lives Matter. But what are we doing about the under-representation of Black Lives in football management or in Football Club boardrooms? How many of us would challenge our bosses at work if 'Minority Groups' are under-represented in management. How many of us would support 'ring fencing' jobs so that all groups in the workplace are equally represented? What is the point of proclaiming 'I am not a racist' if you're unwilling to do anything constructive about racism ? (condemning boo-boys isn't really constructive.) (if you wan to reply be quick I'm off to watch Kieffer beat the Turks!)
I think you’re conflating US politics with the U.K. and coming to some very strange conclusions. To us; the idea of being Anti Fascist is quite straightforward - it’s about being against fascism. In almost the entire world, you’d get the same answer. But in the good ole US of A you’ve got some youths who have decided to use that name and commit some crimes, that in no way means that: A we (the rest of the world) support what they’re doing in any way B they speak or act for us So; if you don’t mind; the vast majority of the planet will get on with our lives without having to be concerned with your version of what Antifa means.
Just had a look on our list of registered terrorist groups. Antifa not mentioned once in any Intel reports. Only thing that is mentioned is in summary notes; that anti facist groups will strongly oppose groups linked to far right ideology, white supremacists, antisemitic, and Sharia law supporting groups. All which are either registered as terror groups or extremists. It states violent confrontations are highly probable. So who are the bad guys? Please remember that since the invasion of Poland all Western countries including ours have sworn to adopt an anti fascistic approach.
I think we’re rightly more concerned about the far right that we have in government than some on the far left that are barely gaining any traction.