It's my opinion that you have been brainwashed by the right-wing press and took in all the lies that, that clown in parliament called Johnson has been spinning but that's my opinion but as a labour voting citizen of the UK am I entitled to have one.
You’re literally using the fact that our Home Sec isn’t white to suggest there’s no racism in the home office There is literally no answer to that. It’s by far the maddest thing I’ve ever read on here; and someone called me a cop killer this week because I disapprove of fascists, just to give you an idea how bad that is.
I can confirm the HO is a rabid pit of evil. Thankfully the vast majority of its employees at junior management levels in Border Force have a soul and regularly push back against policy and procedures which are in contravention of British and international law. UK Visas and nationality the corporate arm of immigration is another story.
Not really, that's you assuming again. Not once have I suggested there is no racism in the Home Office.. It's just like me suggesting you said if you are non white you cannot get a job at the home office..
As a Labour voting citizen of the UK, I also am entitled to my own opinion. Not brainwashed by the right wing press. Love that old chestnut as well that if someone doesn't agree with you they have been brainwashed. It's called a differing opinion. I'm more of centrist / compromise idealogy tbh.
You’re twisting and turning so hard now you’ve forgotten your own post. You brought up the race of the Home Sec, not me
Due to lack of drivers and workers in certain sectors its leading to unfilled vacancies and higher wages. These factors are leading to reduced stock especially in the catering and supermarket sectors. We are now looking at a real issue of inflated food prices which will bite within the next 3 months. The lack of planning as been terrible, those in charge really haven't prepared for this. I'm not knocking the increase in wages, but because this hasn't been factored into financial planning, those in low paid jobs are going to be impacted massively.
No, think you will find the only one throwing allegations about is you Donny. not hard to see that tbf.
We were going to get that with covid anyway. I'm not saying that there haven't been problems, but I don't think it is as harsh as you are maybe predicting in terms of escalating food prices. That had to happen with our current rate of inflation anyway, the only way was up tbf.
Based on comments from German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, I'd be very surprised if that project doesn't regain traction in the next couple of years.
And the hospitality sector having real problems hiring? Was that ‘going to happen anyway tbf’? Will every piece of bad news over the fallout from Brexit ‘going to happen anyway tbf’? every single prediction - you called ‘project fear’, when it happens will be brushed aside with ‘going to happen anyway tbf’? I admire your absolute front, the PM needs people like you for his cabinet. Prepared to bare faced lie no matter how compelling the evidence.
In your mind obviously. You just hate to see someone having a differing opinion. So best you do leave it petal.