DBU - En Del Af Noget Større (@DBUfodbold) Tweeted: Christian Eriksen er blevet udskrevet fra Rigshospitalet. Mere her ⬇️ #ForDanmark https://t.co/ONy59nkwD4
I might be wrong, but I don't ever remember O'Hara ever having a cardiac arrest. I can't see any club taking the risk of playing Eriksen. Sad, but yeah, it's likely his playing days are over. Would love to be proved wrong of course.
I have one too, was born with it. Wasn’t flagged up until it led to stroke. Christian has had a good career. I’m sure being there for his young family is more important than football.
From what i've read, he didn't have an irregular heartbeat. It's just that his regular-as-clockwork heartbeat suddenly and inexplicably dropped to a rate of zero. The surgery as I understand it was to install an implantable cardiac defibrillator - ie a device that will detect if it happens again and administer the necessary electric shock direct to the heart muscle. I know two people who have one. One (touch wood) has never needed it and another who periodically gets launched off the sofa when his heart stops again and it brings him round but is so far still with us! He might not be done with football as a career in the broader sense - coaching, management etc - but I can't see him playing again.
I can’t remember his name unfortunately but I did read of a player that had a similar device fitted that is still playing
Having done a web search, it looks like Daley Blind mentioned above has an ICD. Had to be subbed when it activated during a pre season friendly but still playing.