How come given the usual 'reliability of these rumours people rubbish them as 'I'll believe it when it happens' when its potential good news but soak it up like a sponge if its potential bad news?
I don’t see them as the complete engine room, most of the data team, medical team, and the rest of the management team were here before Dane & Val. It’s clear from the top down that we have a tight strategy, so all that’s required is the same level of quality recruitment that we showed when we hired Dane and Val.
The suggestion that Dane and the secretary have resigned seems very iffy to me. They will be under contract with a period of notice required. Dane in particular will have a contract of at least 6 months and I think more likely 12 months given his standing at the club. If the owners so choose they could put him on gardening leave for the duration and I doubt Forest would be prepared to wait that long. He can’t just walk away today and start at Forest on Monday without the club’s agreement
He will know names on it and they will probably try to implement their own version. It wouldn't be a surprise to see us and them linked to the same players this summer.
I would hope we have some sort of patent on our system or at least an exclusive clause of sorts . If Forest start using our system by going after same players etc I would imagine this board won’t be slow at taking them to task and they aren’t afraid to use the courts .
I'm yet to see a credible source that has linked Dane to Forest. It all seems to be FL World, the72 and the insider, quoting each other. Their contributors appear to be people who have merely signed up and posted 'articles'. It wouldn't be surprising if Dane was to leave, as we seem to be open to making a few bob on anyone, and I'm sure his replacement will have been identified already. But despite these sites suggesting it's a formality, I'm not convinced just yet that Dane's on the move.
I'm asking is it out of the question, not stating that I think that is what is happening. But having said that, the departure of the two most important members of staff at the same time is interesting. I would have thought the chances of the captain seeking a better deal elsewhere must have increased if the manager is leaving. There could be a feeling that the owners have taken the club as far as it can go without bigger (and uncharacteristic) investment. For a potential purchaser, there is a debt-free club that came close to the promotion last year, has several thousand season ticket holders already signed up for next season, and yet represents something of a blank canvas in terms of preferred key personnel going forward.
That's some weird view of how our recruitment works with data. The idea that our 'spreadsheet' has some names on it, that perfectly align with our criteria to fill exactly the holes in our squad, means that AN Other team would have the exact same requirements to be fulfilled is nonsense. Like I'm off to Lidl to buy a nucleonic ferkinator because @Revvie P needed one. There's no wonder people get so hyped about cherry picked data re Covid - it's a complete balls out ignorance of analysis.
Forest fans are almost as deluded as Wednesday's. No way will they stomach a plan that takes several years. The shady owner also expects PL football yesterday...
I never said that I did, but I don’t suppose he gave up his previous role and moved over here on a week’s notice.
It's an assumption on my part based on what I consider to be the role of the CEO. I wouldn't be surprised if Val was already on our radar prior to Dane joining but I assume Dane did the work to draw up the shortlist prior to the appointment.
Again, you've no idea. I'll never get this business of claiming to know or speculating on other people's contracts. Unless you work in the public sector it's literally impossible to know unless that person just decides to release that info. Also, what's the point in keeping someone tied into a notice period? You can't let them continue in the role for obvious reasons and gardening leave is a collosal waste of money, so just let them go. Suits all parties.
Let’s be clear, I’ve never claimed to know anything about what Dane’s contract is. He could be on a zero hrs contract for all I know so please stop accusing me of ‘claiming to be in the know’. As for speculating, if you banned that then you might as well close this board down because 90% of it is someone speculating about something or other. This very thread kicked off about a speculative media report.
If dane goes i imagine conway will take over in short term, if val goes and mowatt then it would be very worrying.
Fair do's. I agree, speculating about the playing side of the club is fine, but speculating about the business side is pointless. We know plenty about what positions need improving, which players from other clubs could do a job for us etc. But trying to grab the business end of this particular stick is futile. I've no problem discussing the possibility of Murphy leaving or his possible replacement, but leave out the contract stuff.
I was once told (don't know if it's true) that higher management positions like a company CEO usually have a 6 month notice period to work. Anyone know? Edit I've just read previous comments.