The middle section - which looks bad -is where Conway enclosed the cattle after our last game. The data showed that no football gets played there anyway. Fair enough, it brought much needed revenue in, but all that munching could cost us if Val leaves.
I mean, I love a whine as much as the next man. But the season doesn’t start for seven weeks, we may not need to host a game for eight weeks. I’m pretty sure there is sufficient time to get the surface healthier by then. The problem last season was relaying it when there wasn’t time for it to settle. Not the case this year. A few brown patches after very dry weather are pretty normal and not a lot to worry about. I’m pretty sure the groundsmen have it in hand.
Just for context, having been past millwalls ground last week, it was like a ploughed field, no sign of green at all.
Sand is good for drainage. We are not playing on there for a bit, so I assume the ground staff are doing the right things. Have to say the pitch was poor last season, so hopefully lessons learned.
I've got some green paint should it be like that come kick brush or roller just green paint ....
Was that really taken today/yesterday? The reason I ask is that the goal posts are up. Normally these would be taken down in the close season especially if the pitch is being re-laid .
Goalposts aren't up they're in the ponty end which is where they always go during summer. The sponsors board etc are out because they were giving stadium tours to fans at the weekend which is probably why a fan was in the police control box taking photos of the ground. The photo also appears to show another group of fans in front of the dugouts
It was taken from the Facebook page of a friend, who happens to be an organiser of a Supporters Club. He went to the Ground Tour at the week- end
Spot on. I did the 10am tour on Saturday. The advertising board is for people to have photos taken holding a football if they wish. The goalposts are standing in storage holes outside of the playing surface. I did wonder about the state of the pitch as we walked round. The green areas of the grass are still quite 'bare' when you get close to them. However, it's still only late June and I'm sure the ground staff know more about things than I do, so I'm not overly concerned. Attached is a shot I took from the dugout area, if anyone still needs confirmation that the first picture is genuine.
I’m not surprised it looks bare, it looks like it was reseeded straight after the last game. I’d have hoped they’d have gone for a hybrid but c’est la vie