I would hazard a guess. No club gives a time based contract to CEO's. Has there ever been a case for compensation ?. Very unlikely in our case. Hence handing his notice in. Val quite simply would have come to an agreement with the club re the 2m clause. His get out. Mowatt has gone the Bosman route. The balls in his court. All of the above apply to most clubs. The only thing preventing em from leaving is better offers of wages. And ambition. The other clubs by their willingness to throw money at attempts of promotion. appear to offer that, but more often than not. fail. And suffer the consequences. It really doesn't matter to those that move on. Wages are guaranteed. Barnsley are in no way unique to these issues. But prudent in their dealings. Not a bad thing in my book.
I agree CEO’s will not have time limited contracts in the sense that players and coaches have. CEO ones will be more like the traditional employment contracts most of us will be familiar with, with a period of notice attached. The length of that contract will determine what leverage the club will have with regards any compensation the club may wish to hold out for if they chose to do so. Let me stress that this is all pure conjecture on my part before anyone gets excited about me not possibly knowing what Danes’s contract is I’m not quite sure what you meant by; ‘Val quite simply would have come to an agreement with the club re the 2m clause. His get out’ If he wants to go and WBA are determined to get him then they will have to cough up the £2m as New York Red Bulls had to for Struber
Why do people change jobs in the real world.? The days when you not only worked in the same industry you worked for the same firm your working life, those days are gone. The change in football was probably brought about by 'Bosman' and agents.
Re Val. My view is that. He will have insisted on the size of the clause. The club having to concede that part. Having no option but to agree or take a chance of him not signing. Works well for him and the club. No-one can predict how well a new manager performs. We certainly didn't think that we'd over achieve, only progress.