Not because they played a game of football with Billy Gilmour for 75 minutes in which they tugged at each others shirts, grabbed each other and generally interacted with each other for well over an hour with no distancing. No it's because they hugged for a few seconds at the final whistle. How stupid are the rules that we have allowed ourselves to be governed by
I dont understand why Steve Clarke is not having to isolate too as he hugged Gilmour after the final whistle. Also what about the interaction of the Scottish players. Odd!
It must be related to the hug at the end of the game because non of the English players got near him during the 90minutes!
I can’t get my head around this maybe Covid knows it can’t jump between people whilst the game is in progress but once the final whistle goes all bets are off?
Bizarre that two opposing players are now isolating, and none of his team mates that shared a changing room with him. Did mowatt test positive a day after scoring and hugging half the team in celebration? None of those had to isolate.
Strange one isn,t it?, surely he has had contact with his own team mates aswell, weird that his own teams fine but 2 of the opposition have to isolate...
Amazing how England players have to isolate for being in contact with a Scottish player for a few seconds but no Scottish player from his bubble. One pupil in a class has covid and all the class have to self isolate. One Football player has covid and not one team mate has to self isolate. Covid must go after school children more than professional Football players for them to live by a different set of rules with regards to the exact same virus.
As I understand it they've not been told by authorities to isolate but instead was a decision taken by the FA after discussing it with public health England. They're isolating as a precaution in the unlikely event they later test positive. By doing this they're trying to avoid it passing through the squad causing more issues than just the impact on 2 players (see Rotherham last season as evidence of how not to handle it). They might be available to play tonight..... The decision by Scotland mind you is just strange...
It isn't because of the hugging. They were speaking to each other in the tunnel for 25 minutes afterwards.
Seems like just a extreme caution situation which I understand as probably doing their best to guard against a outbreak in the squad. Where it gets to me is as pointed out above if this were in a school then the entire class would have to isolate.
Both told to isolate until next Monday. But apparently the Scotland squad are fine to carry on. Makes no sense to me.
When football was given the go ahead to resume last year, it was in a tight bio secure bubble environment. It seems to have got looser and looser as time has gone on, mirroring society I suppose.
What about Steve Clarke? The coaching staff? The players he shares a hotel room with? Very clever this covid.