Id go one further . Could nt make it up sometimes.....
We say good old Russia, but similar mindsets are very common in England especially in the North. I've had many conversations with people who say they aren't homophobic but that it makes them feel sick seeing two men kiss etc. Some people made similar remarks on here when It's a Sin was on TV.
I find it uncomfortable watching people give birth, but I wouldn't ban it happening. Also it's the wearing of the armband they're objecting to. Not a homosexual orgy being streamed at half time.
The vast majority of educated St Petersburg folk have exactly the same attitude to Milonov as we do. He's clearly included on the party lists to appeal to the ultra-Conservative religious voters. It's generally considered that he's either seriously mentally ill, trying desperately to hide his homosexual tendencies, or both. His bizarre outbursts never fail provide excellent material for Russia's satirical bloggers.