I’m afraid The message this Govt is trying to send is certainly not being scuppered. This isn’t a gaffe, it’s deliberate in a thinly veiled ( faux inclusiveness) message
Ah, but you're just viewing Britain in a purist fashion, See "Lord" Frost, he'll tell you all about it ;-)
Just to rub it in further, check out Ian Blackford's questions today at PMQs. They really don't care about the rule of law. Using covid relief money to fund Tory party voter analysis is quite remarkable. But flags, songs and blue passports.
Not surprised at all, this is just fully consistent with the route we're on taking us well on the way to being a totalitarian state. The majority on here have agitated for measures which have helped us become a mini version of North Korea so I don't see how they wouldn't support this.
I don't get how you can see and think this, and yet still think lockdowns are solely a well intentioned and benign public health measure with no sinister undertones. How on Earth can you not join the dots?
Because there is a logic behind it. How can a country afford to subsidise never ending lockdown (of which we're not in regardless)? Everyone wants restrictions to end and from the slither of evidence I've seen, adherence vanished a long time back anyway. It's also a policy most countries in the world have followed. Are countries all in this together in some sinister conspiracy? It's also endorsed and encouraged by many scientists, and its logical that someone can't catch a virus from another person if they don't spend time with another person. The number of deaths are staying low, it's clear the vaccines are doing some major heavy lifting and if the vaccinations can pick up speed along the likes of Germany, France and Italy, they could get to a highly vaccinated population very quickly. Unless the number of hospitalisations hugely increases in the next few days, I can't see anything but progression at the next date marker.
I really think we should just lift all restrictions now, as the only harm its doing is to businesses. It’ll make zero difference to case numbers. Does anyone actually think rules are still being followed? They clearly haven’t left the house in the last 6 weeks if they do.
I went for a walk last Sunday in the centre of London towards the western city. And though we both had really missed it, we both got pretty stressed at points as to how difficult it was to avoid people in certain places who just did whatever they wanted. Most had masks on a fairly sparsely accommodated train, though a couple weren't wearing them anywhere near properly so might as well not have bothered. Social distancing was rare. Sunday is always a really good day to walk parts of London because of how quiet it is. Hardly saw a soul around Barbican and Blackfriars. Stressful bits were at each rail terminus and near St Pauls (where filming was going on for a new DC film). I'll be very surprised if things aren't pretty much normal in the coming weeks. My wifes taking part in a trial in the hope she can bolster her antibodies somehow. Fingers firmly crossed.
Went to Scarborough, Whitby and Skegness over the last 2 weeks, apart from people putting on a mask to go to the toilet in the pub you would hardly have noticed anything from the norm. To be honest I enjoyed seeing people more relaxed. I think we are past the point if mental fatigue for most and they have just decided to liver their lives. The overwhelming majority of people I know don't give restrictions a 2nd thought anymore.
I love this government. Johnson is a paragon of virtue, never lies and is totally uncorrupt. We have the vaccine roll out administered by the health secretary, we have brexit done with no border down the Irish Sea and the sunlit uplands are beckoning. How people can complain is beyond me. You're all anti-British scum and woke nobs if you think otherwise. Ffs.
Regardless of almost never sharing an agreed opinion, fingers crossed for this one. Hopefully good news to come.
Appreciate that, thanks. How about we start again? Clean slate? There’s some common ground and I’m always happy to debate things, even if I disagree with them but it’s done without personal attacks. Maybe we just need to be disciplined to not let things go too far and get personal? What do you say?
It’s a slow burner, think she next takes part in 26 weeks! Disappointing thing is they aren’t willing to share individual trial data, so people won’t know their exact circumstances, though the trust has been challenged so hopefully they change course. Thanks muchly ;-)
@DannyWilsonLovechild, too busy giving my own perspective I should have added I understand why you and your other half were stressed by the situation and I hope the new approach to treatment has a positive outcome.
Music industry more on its knees, as we have had no help at all. Furlough, etc for airlines. **** Johnson, the upper class racist lovely person.
I’m missing something here. I’ll assume for now that England won’t reach the final. 2500 officials and vip’s are to be allowed in without quarantine. My question is under UK regulations which will still be in place by the time of the final will the fans of the two finalists be allowed into the country/Wembley to see the game or excluded due to quarantine?
I was in Barnsley Town Centre for the first time in a long while yesterday. It seemed to me that the rules were being followed very closely. Did I see townsfolk cowered by some sinister plot to subjugate them? No. I saw people respectful of others, content to abide by temporary rules devised in a state of less than perfect knowledge to combat the worst health crisis in this country in my lifetime. We are very close to total vaccine protection (or as near as it can ever get). But stubborn little flare-ups in the infection rate continue in some parts. Just a little while longer and we will be on top of this. The last 18 months have seemed like an eternity, but they will feel like nothing as we emerge beyond 19 July. I regret that international travel is probably going to take another 12 months to get back to something approaching what we knew before, but I am reluctantly content to consider it might be necessary in view of the added risks.
correct, although england been in the semis or final or not has nothing to do with it. the problem is these officials apart from those already living in england are coming into our country and don't need to follow the same laws as others, we have ex-pats not been able to fly home to visit their families because of the quarantine period, but we can let in chinese owned company vip's of hisense & alipay in? things may change by then if the rumours are right on restrictions of those who's had both vaccines, which again is wrong until the entire country as been offered two, but our gov't has already caved in to uefa, can you see 3 bobby's assigned to every official to ensure they only attend the 3 games and don't go shopping or mixing in bars? and even if caught, it's just a fine, they are all probably minted anyway so won't give a toss the whole thing boils my piss