You had no training in any of this. You don't have a degree, you don't have that debt. You don't have, what I had, which is years and years of paying for your own education to get yourself in a position to have such a job. You don't have any qualifications. You were handed this because Patrick Cryne liked you. I'm sorry, as much as you may not like that, it's true. As such, I really don't think you're in a position to talk about it. However, you do have some excellent qualities. Firstly, you, on your own, with no training, took time out of your life to write things on here, produce audio and video and commit yourself to doing something. And, you had a talent for it. You were very good. Whether you want to acknowledge the encouragement I gave you or not is up to you, but it was there. But as good as you are, and I do think you're good, you were unbelievably lucky. And, because of the route you took, you have absolutely no idea what it is like to attempt to get a job in this industry and be so skint while doing it. I do not, in any way, begrudge you the position you have. You fully deserve it and have demonstrated multiple times why you deserve it. But also recognise how lucky you were and recognise that although you're very good at your job, this isn't an area you have the experience to talk about.
I suppose talking to them would get you a more positive response than talking to the person who can't volunteer to do free work for Barnsley because sadly they're having to work at sports direct to pay for their uni course instead
My youngest lad did unpaid work for Oxfam every Wednesday afternoon in their financial section at Newcastle for a year , he also worked at Fenwicks department store to earn money to (drink) live on . Looked good on his CV when applying for jobs after Uni . He did a years placement in Industry for a very meagre salary . It’s what they have to do now days to stand out if they aren’t from a privileged background . If BFC were having a load of interns working in the shop instead of paid staff I’d say it was a disgrace , but one intern following Whitey about for a few hours a week I wouldn’t take umbrage at that
Unless I'm missing something aren't you saying that they should be grateful to learn these skills without getting any money for I whilst also acknowledging that you were paid quite handsomely to learn the same skills. If they could pay you to learn them then they can surely pay the next person. I think you said that the current head of media got the job via one of these free internships. Doesn't that essentially mean that while they had to pay you to do your on the job training they got away with him doing the same on the job training free of charge under the guise of it being an internship? An internship that leads to a job at the same company is surely just on the job training without the wage bill. We set someone on at work last week (or week before) who will be next to useless for the next couple of months while they learn the skills required to do the job. We have to pay their wages while they learn. If we called it an internship leading to a possible job would it be right that it would suddenly be cost free? By the way I realise this isn't unique to bfc in any way shape or form. There are a lot of companies it there taking advantage. I just wish that as we claim to be a community club who understands it's fanbase that we wouldn't behave like that just because others do. We can be better
Do you ever, and like ever, think "Oooh, I've got nothing to add here and I don't know what I'm talking about so maybe I should keep my mouth shut?" No? No, we've all noticed.
How would their opinion in any way influence your opinion as to whether or not the concept of unpaid work (as a concept, not in specific circumstances) incentivises exploitation on the part of an employer? I can't see how it would. So, either you think unpaid work "opportunities" do as I suggest they do, or you don't. Either way, the very existence of the concept of "an internship", as well as the empirical data on the economic "value" of an internship highly suggests that it does. Cool.
The catering staff only work a few hours each week; zI'm assuming theyvget paid. Unpaid work however it's dressed up is wrong.
I don't think anyone is getting offended on behalf of the people who can afford to do unpaid work, rather on behalf of the people who can't and therefore are immediately disadvantaged in the jobs market.
No, that isn't it at all, you didn't offer an opinion at all. If you did that's fair enough. You offered nothing and still haven't. Don't pretend you have, we can all see.
You've obviously not read anything I've typed in this thread throughout the day. You should pay more attention. You've got your opinion on interns, I've got mine. Not sure why you're being so aggressive with me about it?
I did a three-year GNVQ in Digital Communication & Media/Multimedia as a teenager at Barnsley College. I got a distinction, and I have 10 GCSE's with an A* in both English and History. To suggest I had no training in this industry and 'no qualifications' is a little unfair. You're right in saying I didn't go to university and thus rack up debt to get a job such as the one I currently hold. That was the choice I made. Partly due to having no family to help or support me (I was orphaned at six months old) and at 19/20-years-old, whilst educated and academically gifted, I was a bit of a lad and more interested in following my mates. They already had jobs, so I wanted one. I wanted the money, the flat, the clothes, the holidays, the women and plenty of nights out. I often regretted that in the years to come. But not too much, because I've had a good adult life in the main. But I did used to sometimes think "I wish I'd stuck with it" etc. But that's life. I've attached a screenshot of a post of mine within this thread posted nine hours or so ago. Where I clearly point out I got the job because of someone I knew, that I was lucky. That has always been recognised. It's never been something I've disputed. I didn't apply for the job, I wasn't coveting one in the slightest. The variety of stuff I did as a hobby was seen by Patrick, we then struck up a relationship and the rest is history. Some still argue he brought me in to shut me up. I wouldn't dispute that reasoning either. Whatever folk are comfortable with. Just as I myself am comfortable with us as a department welcoming more students to Oakwell next season. Cheers.
You've addressed my first paragraph but not my second. I knew you would. I knew you'd get angry about it. Read my second paragraph again. The one where I praise you, where I think you're great. You're in a job you fully deserve, on merit, I just think on this small point, it's not your expertise. I kind of set you up, I'm sorry, I know how people read things and that's why I wrote it as I did. Chop the first paragraph out and only read the second and answer me again.
The current head of our department did a placement here some years ago, yes. As part of his uni course. I imagine the vast majority of people in the industry came here via further education, and will have enjoyed a placement or internship. It's actively encouraged. Then there are others who didn't, the 'lucky' ones, like me by all accounts. Interns come in once a week, they aren't here doing 12 hours six days a week with us. It helps them pass their course, it helps them gain knowledge, insight, hands-on-experience and probably gives them a taste of the industry you don't get in a classroom. They are paid their travel and food expenses and kitted out accordingly. We look after them and support them. And they have all - in my time at the club anyway - found work within the industry. It's a great opportunity and I can only repeat my complete comfort with the process. And with that, I feel like I'm just repeating myself. We're eight pages into the subject. I think I'll call time on it there personally. I felt I ought to pop back to respond to those who quoted me.
That's fair enough Whitey, I fully understand why you feel as you do. I'm just against unpaid internships across the board really, it's not bfc specific or anything.