I wish I could… Personally I think they should send us all multiple pictures of the Queen every month. In the form of multiple banknotes as a universal basic income.
Not even joking, I can hear someone playing God Save the Queen on the trumpet right now in school (I’m on lunch break before anyone asks).
The thought of her taking a dump and having a scroll through twitter amuses me. "Oh for **** sake, Tottenham still haven't got a gaffer. Time to share this link of a cat jumping off a trampoline"
Who exactly are they aiming these flag waving, song singing, portrait worshiping initiatives at? They've already got the brexit loving jingoists on side. The rest of the population surely see it for what it is...an attempt to manipulate and blatant propaganda of a level that only the dimmest could fall for. It's incredible how low they rate the intelligence of a big portion of the electorate but then they've done ok with that analysis so far I guess.
All I can think is that their insanely costly polling has identified that it plays well to the new populist allies in the north and midlands and the tory heartlands. Give it time and twinset and pearls will be introduced as the standard school uniform for girls, and bowler hat, monocle and umbrella will be mandatory on all public transport.
Personally I think it’s a great idea! I’m going to apply but ask if they could sub it with one of King Ronnie !
It just reeks of "come on everybody, we know brexit is a disaster but look at the Queen! Wave that flag! We're all British aren't we? Let's jolly well show them some of that Blitz spirit" It's pathetic and they are shameless about how pathetic it is.
Something bad is going to happen soon. You can't constantly whip up this nationalistic fervour in this current climate and expect a peaceful alignment. There's such increased conflict aimed at groups that don't deserve it. Journalists. Judges. BLM. Footballers kneeling. Europeans who've lived and worked here for years. Northern Ireland. Now we're laying the platforms for battle lines against the unpatriotic. Yet we break international law, break promises, lie to likely former allies. This is all so desperately ugly.
When she has my portrait in her houses, I may consider having her portrait in mine. On second thoughts nah! I don't want one. Seriously though, given her age (and before anyone gets on to me for wishing someone dead, I do not wish anyone dead) would it be a good idea to watch sit until Brian inherits the crown otherwise we will need to repeat the exercise.
I did with the 15 portraits of the queen in my wallet. Theres 11m people still signed up to the furlough scheme. under current restriction how many of those are in zombie jobs.. Airlines have 195K at risk alone. Thats not even including the knock on effect through the high street/online travel agencies. And we havent even discussed who pays for the 80bn theyve already spunked on it. etc.
Gegenpresser seems to think if we not warmongers we’re not patriotic unless we support everything this **** shower does we more in line with Russia ? Shows how people’s minds work and have no concept of opposition.
I don't stand for the National Anthem, didn't stand at Wemberleee for it, in front of me was a guy singing his heart out along with everybody else fine if thats what they want to do but what saddened me was his son, no more than 7/8 years old, stood to full attention and saluting, wtf brain washing takes place in that lads life.