Probably a good thing but we ve waited until the country is saturated with fast food joints to act . Too little too late but it does give a perfect excuse to parent blame now there's a watershed . McDonald's recruiting 20 k new workers and opening a 100 plus new stores and of course completely uninterrupted .
In the days before Amazon dominated retail MacDonalds we’re the largest toy distributor in the world. But now we’ve got grandkids of MacDonalds customers in the loop I can’t see it having much impact on actual numbers. It’s become a habit, my kids eat at MacDonalds, despite the fact they know I absolutely won’t, but it’s not stopping them also taking their kids ‘out of habit’. I’d hope the lack of advertising would make a difference, but I fear it’ll be subtle.
Me and the boy like a Maccies. I treat him to one every 2 or 3 weeks. I know it ain’t particularly healthy, that’s why we don’t eat there more often. Not sorry. bfc1001 nailed it. This just gives an excuse to blame parents. Divide and conquer. The oldest political trick in the book. This isn’t being done for any other reason.
Totally ridiculous and absurd just like the sugar tax. All this does is help giant corporations like Mcdonalds and KFC as any competition now has limited advertising. But hey, the UK can do what it wants.
Still totally ridiculous. That statistic implies they're helping small business but it isn't just small business start ups it needs to worry about, there are other American and global franchises that move to the UK. My UK friends always tell me they wish they had Popeyes and things like that but now they can't even advertise if they did. Also just in a general freedom sense the government shouldn't be telling people what they can eat, drink or smoke. Before people get on at me for being a hypocrite by commenting on British affairs, my family is British and I should be visiting again soon when things ease up a little.
It's another UK government effort that doesn't join up with anything else. I suspect it will be part of a drive to push tax increases on certain foods. While the idea may be noble in intent (maybe), how you do it in a way that makes a genuine difference I've no idea and I don't see this being successful. Also hypocritical when they failed to vote through a bill which would protect food standards, instead, agreeing a deal with Australia where standards are much poorer. God forbid a US trade deal, though I doubt there will be one any time soon thankfully.
These Tories and their nanny state![/QUOTE] It's such an authoritarian left thing to do yet he's supposed to be a freedom loving Conservative it's extremely bizarre.
It's more about not having adverts on TV when the kids are watching. Should the government do nothing and watch us become as obese as USA?
Does that mean I don't have to listen to that fkn annoying whistle on the radio and some souless jackel waxing lyrical about their MacDonalds "restaurants" anymore? Thank the Lord, I'll say this much for Boris johnsons latest squeeze, at least she's fed the fat tub of blancmange a few good ideas while being his latest spnk bucket.
Or maybe parents should be parents? But I guess the government being in control of everyone's diet choices is less effort for people.
Working so well for the health of the US. Or is giving people the ‘freedom’ to go on mass murder sprees a fair price to pay? If governments don’t ‘govern’ and you leave it to the ‘market’, do you think that any market will act responsibly? Honestly? The health insurance companies put health before profit? Gun companies limit sales to irresponsible people or is the money too big a draw? Almost 50% of people are below average intelligence, they might need some help making the right decisions rather than leaving them as victims to be exploited by corporations that don’t care.
They should, but at the same time kids shouldn't pay for their parents mistakes with their health if it can be avoided. Same with people who argue against free school meals by saying "the parents should feed them".