Dutch PM: No place for Hungary in EU with LGBT law Looks like there could be a vacancy coming up. Maybe we could apply. They already have our CV.
Hungary have done well going for vaccines themselves instead of with the EU but they are bonkers with equal rights.
Hungary might go more moderate next election. They werent this far right before. Proceed with caution here I think Not going to happen . At a guess you d need all members to vote them out and as Hungary is a member of the visigrad bloc they ll just stick together as they normally do and veto any efforts . It's kind of why Poland gets away with this sort of thing , they ll always have a political bloc within the EU to back them up .
Can’t see what all the fuss is about.,I was brought up with 70’s tv,shut that door,I’m free mrs slowcombe,hello honkytonk,Gloria on ain half hot mum,watching gay people on tv never effected me ,Hungary needs to get a grip
My daughter went back packing a few years ago with a mate and went to Budapest. Coming out of their hotel one morning they found themselves in the middle of an angry mob behind a big fence shouting and screaming at people walking down the road- turned out to be the gay pride march there. They had to go back in the hotel and out of the side entrance to get away from the morons and ended up joining the parade! Safe to say, we can blame the leaders in Hungary who foster this kind of attitude, but gay people clearly do suffer in these countries on our doorstep and these behaviours can’t be tolerated.
"... it could affect sex education, advertising, and even stop TV favourites such as Friends or Harry Potter being broadcast until late at night..." I'm racking my brain trying to remember which bit of the Harry Potter film series portrays or promotes homosexuality. Anyone? I've seen all the films, most of them several times, but I can't say it's something that's stuck in my memory.
The Harry Potter books and films strongly support an anti-bullying and anti-discrimination message of the people/groups who in the fictional Harry Potter world are seen as "different"
I agree, but the paragraph immediately before the one I've quoted above says: "The law focuses on increasing punishment for convicted paedophiles, but an amendment was passed on 15 June banning the portrayal or promotion of homosexuality among under-18s." Then says it could affect the showing of Harry Potter films. Which made it sound (to me) as if there was a direct link re: homosexuality. I should probably read the whole thing again (the article, not the Harry Potter books!) when I've woken up properly.
Have you not read the chapter where Harry and Ron go cottaging in Wand Wood in 'Harry Potter and the Chocolate Starfish'?
I don't think President Orban will not be in the least bit bothered if Hungary leave the EU. Orban will be welcomed by Putin to form an alliance - Poland is classed as the worst country for LGBT Rights - PM Morawiecki's Government and Church promoting 'LGBT ideology Free Zones.' Interesting to see how the EU responds to this issue.