..I can only assume that the lock down has seriously effected certain peoples mental health Let's face it....she's either been desperate needs her eyes testing or she wants her head looking at ....who in their right mind would want to be involved with that weasel That said Hancock is a 2 faced lying barsteward so no doubt one of his faces must be a good-looking one.... I understand Boris has forgiven him....pmsl Boris is the last bloke to take the higher ground let alone pass judgement on anybody for their actions.....
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57612441 It was OK to feel up her arse, but the kiss... oh no.
How puritanical we all are! I’ve always been able to resist everything but temptation and take a very liberal view to sins of the flesh. Has he really done something that millions of others haven’t been up to throughout this pandemic? The French have these matters right. No big deal, all grown ups, move on, nothing to see here.
I'm afraid that I can't just ignore this episode involving Hancock. Quite frankly, it's shocking and unforgivable. How she'd snog and be groped by him - it's shocking and unforgivable. What is wrong with her? Perhaps he's got access to an NHS cupboard where they keep hallucinatory potions - balding weasels turn into errr..... Bruce Willis!!
I really don’t care that people have extra marital sex, and it seems that it’s no longer a big issue in British politics. However; when a government minister hires a mate from Uni, without any public scrutiny and pays her a grand a day out of our taxes, so he can get into her pants, and when his department gives contracts to her brothers company, then that’s taking the pi ss
Puritanical is one thing; disapproval another. Mr Hancock and Ms Coladangelo each have three children with their respective spouses. Their entanglement is not illegal, but it is hardly an admirable carry on. Some way short of honourable. The preferment of this lady looks questionable according to the usual standards for public appointments. The assignation is timed at a moment when the conduct would have been in contravention of the (then) rules and guidance. It might be thought that the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care would have exceeded the standards set out therein, let alone contravened them. The course of conduct taken as a whole probably contravenes all seven of the Nolan principles of public life. Of course none of this will carry any consequences for Hancock so far as his public office is concerned due to the equally questionable morals and conduct of his immediate superior. But to say "nothing to see here" really connotes an acceptance of the continuing slide in the standards of conduct and morality of those who supposedly lead us.
All those saying Mat Hancock had done nothing wrong and should continue etc . Just imagine it’s Corbyn ! That should get the pitch forks an airing .
I think she'd have drawn the line at Jezza. I hardly suspect that when she was reluctant at first to dally with such a slimeball as Hancock, he induced her with "Just imagine it's Corbyn".
Whoring for family contracts I doubt she’d have any set barriers for clients , Hancock’s as near as bottom of barrel as it’s possible to get , I think Jezza would have more principles than Hancock in fact more than most In the Tory Party , wonder if he gave her the contracts in the Tory Party’s gmtraditionsl Brown Envelopes ?
I'm not sure why anyone puts their faith in these politicians, whatever they say to try and fool you into supporting them. They end up financially endowed at the end of the day. The ones they're keen on telling what to do don't end up quite so well off. Jezza's on his third wife at least. So the solemn marriage vows don't mean a great deal to him. They mean even less to our Dear Leader. They are all pygmies compared to the respected politicians of the past. There were many, as I look both right and left. I can't see any today, wherever I look.
Personally I believe he should be sacked not for having an affair but for being the chuffing health secretary who helps set the social distancing rules but not only breaks them but breaks them in his bloody office whilst being paid by the public. If that's not a stackable offence then nowt is
£15,000 for 20 days work is what Matt Hancock's college friend got when he appointed her. What did he get in return? A few blowjobs. The corrupt *******. I would dance on his grave if someone took an axe to his head. He's ruined lives this year and taken the piss whilst doing it
That is the going rate for a NED in all fairness. Typically £10-20k a year for 1-2 days a month. Often on a 3 year rotation.