So 600 million tests have been lost, equivalent to 5 billion quid. Dame Dido strikes again, she's quite good at losing things. This should be huge news, but Hancockio is all news outlets want to talk about. These 2 stories go hand in hand, or hand on arse in Hancockio's case. Boris not launching an investigation into the CCTV footage from a Minister's office. A major breach of security, cos he knows who it is. Was it Boris or his associates who leaked it, its a great story to bury the lost 5 billion quid. Hancock taking one for the team, the Bullingdon way.
I’m guessing the idea is to put dido in charge of the NHS, so she can cut waiting lists simply by losing them.
And/or selling the backlogs to the highest, no sorry, bidder with links to Tory Party families and friends
Dido is/was the dullest singer we have produced in the last I don't know how many years. It's no wonder so many now go to Dignitas. Ms Harding has the same talent for being rubbish at her job as Dido has for boring us senseless.
My mate’s son-in-law works for ‘NHS’ Test and Trace (aka Serco). He reckons he rang a woman a couple of weeks ago who was supposed to be isolating. “Oh yes” the woman says, “I’ve not left the house for 4 days as I know how important all this is”. Just at that moment there’s a tannoy announcement in the background ‘could the supervisor please come to checkout 4 please’
Suzie Dent in next few months will be redefining isolation in dictionary corner. Same goes for the ministerial code and rule of law.
How on earth can you lose 600 million of anything. Not like dropping a needle in a haystack. 600 million tests could probably be spotted with a telescope on the moon.
its scary when they start detailing the costs of the pandemic and the bill of £370bn so far, and then you realise that £37bn is on track and trace alone. thats 10% of all the spend and it doesn't work..... Then factor in the cost of contracts that were unsuccessful for PPE and other Tory cronyism and you start to realise how much has been used to line pockets and how long we will be paying for this...... Think of the support to hospitality and travel that could have been delivered for £37bn!
And that's exactly why certain people have been loving restrictions and don't want them to end. They're making an absolute killing from it
Seems rather pointless when in a couple of weeks double vaccinated people will only have to self isolate if they have covid not just because they have been pinged.
Makes sense, once I found out that you don’t legally have to isolate if you get pinged by the app I didn’t want it anymore either. My circle is so small at the moment I’d know if I was in contact with someone who tested positive, if I was I’d isolate and go test. I know someone, who was at the pub for the Germany game. 6 days later got a pint to tell him to isolate for 4 days as he was in contact with someone 6 days earlier. How flawed is that!
Clever talking pint as well. Lager does kinda talk to me subliminally like, but it’s never actually told me to isolate or anything.