Would mind seeing a remake on the following: The Good The Bad & The Ugly.(that's me,Mr C & Big Lil) in that order Gregory's Girl. My cousin Vinny. Tommy. Any more?
All of the Star Wars prequels, beyond bad. Should have given the screenplays and direction to folk like Kevin Smith and Jon Favreau.
I don't have to like him, just cos his films made money. Besides, I was rooting for Norrington. And the Orcs.
I’ve had a free 6 month Disney+ subscription and watched all the Star Wars films from start to finish over a few months. I didn’t like the prequels at first, but they stand up fairly well. What doesn’t stand up are the absolutely awful episodes 7 to 9. Awful story telling, effects over egged, shocking acting and incoherent plot lines. If they could purge those last 3, it would be all the better for it. Shame because rogue 1 was very well done.
I love Star Wars. I could watch any of them over and over again. The prequels are cheesy, and particularly in the Phantom Menace, the CGI hasn't aged well at all, but I love them. That being said, Rogue One for me is by far the best, despite not sharing any main characters with any of the other films (barring Grand Moth Tarkin). Its a great standalone movie as you say, and ties the prequels to the original trilogy beautifully. I once said you don't have to be a fan of Star Wars to watch it, but then when my Mrs tried to watch it, she wasn't impressed at all
Not so much re-done, but a guy I used to work with had a great idea for a Star Wars Movie. There were rumours that Disney were going to make a Boba Fett standalone movie. This is still slated to become a series, but with it being Disney, will probably be fairly family friendly. He suggested that rather than Disney making it, it would be good if it was picked up by someone else and turned into a 'Punisher' style movie. Boba Fett has always had this reputation of being a bit bad ass, despite doing very little in the original Star Wars movies. I'd definitely watch a Punisher styled Boba Fett movie.
Agree. My favourite book. Stick exactly to the book and it would be a cracking film.Wells was a genius - the father of science fiction and a true visionary. The first man to imagine earth being invaded. His other stuff should be made into films as well.