Loads. But special mentions to :- 1984 Merry xmas mr Lawrence Man who fell to earth. Avatar Inception
Mamma Mia. NEVER EVER be tempted to watch this, not even for five minutes. It is so bad you can’t turn it off because it attacks your central nervous system and paralyses you. Mrs Statis had to call an ambulance and years later I’m still suffering from ’Long Mamma Mia.’
Weird just started a thread on this but my warning has to be repeated for your own sanity... NEVER EVER be tempted to watch ‘Mamma Mia’ not even for five minutes. It is so bad you can’t turn it off. It sucks you in, attacks your central nervous system and paralyses you. Mrs Statis had to call an ambulance and years later I’m still suffering from ’Long Mamma Mia.’
I went to see a screening of The Man Who Fell to Earth at the Cooper Art Gallery a couple years ago, watching it again as a 40 odd year old sort of made me appreciate what it was trying to do. Not a great film, but not one I wish I'd never seen. Films I wish I'd never seen are Pearl Harbour or White Chicks, but the worst one for me is The Greatest Showman. Truly hideous stuff.
I have never watched any James Bond film. But one (no idea which) came on telly a couple of years ago and I gave it a half watch to try and see what all the hype is about. In one scene he was running on some rooftop where there were about a hundred mean looking blokes after him. Some had guns, but every single shot fired at him just missed. Trained hitmen and couldn’t even shoot a lone man in the head in an open space. Those without guns tried to give him a crack but this Bond bloke slotted them back even harder. But a hundred blokes coming at him one at a time!! Why didn’t they surround him and give him a good old clip round the ear, all of them at once? If they’d have thought of this on the very first one, they wouldn’t have had to make so many of them.
So you made one post about mamma Mia and now you've made another post about mamma Mia! Here we go again...
firefox, i read the book and couldnt put it down but when i watched the film i wanted to blind myself
Quite enjoyed Mamma Mia in a camp, "just go with it" kind of way. It was so bad it was hypnotic. The one I wished I had never seen - Dances With Wolves. So long and boring. Went to watch it at a midnight showing when visiting rels in Milton Keynes. Fell asleep in the end and was woken up when it was time to drive back, with a crick in my neck. Nothing on earth would persuade me to watch it again.
Synecdoche New York... Not a bad film, very effective and clever. But the most depressing thing I've ever seen
I was going to delete mine as you were first but I don't know how to. Can it be done or only by admin?
"A Serbian Film". I'm a fan of extreme cinema usually, but A Serbian Film just felt wrong. Normally, the extreme cinema genre isn't the most polished in terms of production values, but that felt like a big-budget movie, which made it feel more exploitative than usual.