Been on the east coast this week and it's busier than I have ever seen it for June. So few places to travel abroad has without a doubt gave a massive boost to UK seaside resorts. Lots of kids with their parents instead of at school. Whitby was the usual of social distancing being nill as the front is just too small. Scarborough and Bridlington both doing a roaring trade. Hotels and holiday sites can name their price this year.
It's true that people are holidaying in the UK but they're not spending any money while they're there due to a combination of a loss of income last year and the restrictions placed on the businesses they'd usually spend in
It's a weird question to answer. I mean "close to zero" is a relative value, it means one figure to me but I know for a fact it will mean a totally different number to you. Whatever number I say you'll just use it as a stick to try and beat me with. I know that there will never be a day when all variants are irradiated, same with any other virus, but I'll know when it feels safe enough for me to travel. Hope this scratches that particular itch you had.
I think you're misunderstanding the question I was asking. All I was asking was did you mean when deaths are close to zero or when positive tests are close to zero? I agree that how close to zero is acceptable will differ between me and you but I wasn't asking about that
Every question you ask feels like a trap! Both, seeing as once you get to low numbers of cases you get a low number of deaths. Just my personal preference by the way, if folk want to jet off on their hollibobs I've no problem with that.
So today we find that if you travel to Portugal you have to quarantine, and Hong King won’t let us in. Tell me again how things can’t change again. Seriously, the sooner you go, the more chance you’ve got of succeeding. Not scare mongering btw, just keeping an open mind.
Just came to say exactly the same. Various EU governments are pressuring to make the UK a "Country of concern", which could see us having to quarantine on the way out at short notice - and then our government could well retaliate, so your 2 weeks in Majorca could easily become 2 weeks quarantine in a Spanish hotel followed by 2 weeks quarantined in a UK hotel. Last figures I saw showed more positive cases in the UK than in the *entire* EU. America is out at the moment, Australia, NZ, Hong Kong, and others.