Not a fan of the app and haven't downloaded it. Sign in manually if I need to. If I was told to isolate then I would (despite being double jabbed and previously having had COVID). The rules about isolating as a contact when vaccinated will need to change - if we go back to normal life and still operate isolation as it is now there's going to be a lot of people in isolation (just imagine the Dove at 2:30 on a Saturday) - and that's going to damage businesses and public services - and it will be like lockdown without calling it lockdown. It does make sense not to isolate household contacts of contacts - simply because most people who are contacts don't get COVID - and for those that do as soon as they get symptoms or test positive then the whole household isolates. The rest of the household who have not been isolating are not themselves infected at that point - and if they are it would be very early and they won't themselves be infectious at that point.
I'm isolating - I thought I said as much in my original post. If I didn't, then it was an oversight. I was just interested in what others thought/would do. Apologies if I wasn't clear.
It was confirmed by a minister the other day that alongside the test to release scheme where you can pay one of their Tory mates for a test you can also avoid isolation if you are double jabbed
I get full pay - I work for the local authority, so I'm lucky. My outlook would probably be different if I was self employed for example.
Just did a quick Google search couldn't see much on it apart from this
That's basically it but I saw a more in depth thing from Shapps where he confirms its something we are definitely implementing. No isolation for double jabbed residents on their return
it is a legal requirement to self isolate if you are told to do so by the NHS app or by Test n Trace. regardless of how many tests jabs or covids you get. Unless you are in Government or a Uefa big wig. Once youve finished your ten day staycation delete the app.
I've had covid and 2 jabs. Like the op I got pinged and had to isolate for 8 days after my mobile phone spent too long in close contact to another mobile (obviously infected with covid) in the locker of the swimming pool. I never once spent any significant time near anyone at the pool. Even though I thought it was ridiculous I isolated for 7 days but had a massive dilemer as I had to take my mum to the hospital for a heart monitor appoinment on the 8th day, that had been cancelled 3 times over 18 months and I didn't want her to miss it again. So I took her and stayed in the car. Without being in contact with anyone apart frommy mum. I also tested myself regularly. On the other hand my wife works at the hospital and didn't need to isolate! I now turn off my Bluetooth and just give my contact details as I find the whole system flawed and I think the government realise they are now losing this battle. I would have liked to have applied for the Michael Gove Champions League special test status but I doubt I would be deemed important enough. At this stage and going forward more and more people just won't stick to rules if they don't make any logical sense. They have to ask people to do home flow tests and maybe a shorter isolation period otherwise the whole system will lose credibility and people just won't conform to nonsense selectively applied rules.
You can disable the contact tracing on it and once checked in turn off the Bluetooth. I just find that easier than leaving a fake name and number.
Household members don’t need to isolate unless pupils sent home due to someone in the bubble testing positive IF THEY also test positive or show symptoms. Otherwise you can do continue to go to work and go out and Only the pupil continues to isolate for 10 days
Please correct me if I am wrong. It works by Bluetooth I live in a terrace house (I can vouch for this) I can pick up neighbour signals ( unless people in my house have things I am unaware of) So in theory, if a neighbour catches it, the app will pick up and tell me to isolate?
Using Bluetooth Low Energy, which is what the app uses, you can get a good estimation of distance between devices by looking at the RSSI (Signal strength essentially). So it’s not just other devices that your phone can see. A wall will significantly affect this metric also, so even if you held 2 phones on either side of a wall, it would probably not trigger because the wall would affect the signal strength enough that it would be seen as much further away.
Downloaded it last year, had it for a few days then deleted it after getting several messages to isolate only to have a message ping through straight after telling me to ignore it. I’m supposed to do lateral flow tests weekly but don’t even bother with them. Only do them if I get any of the symptoms like a couple of weeks ago, but only had a cold thankfully, & I’m double jabbed btw.
But with that in mind why do we need to sign in electronically at locations we go to and then the makers of the app admit that it keeps you signed in at that location until you either sign in elsewhere or it resets at midnight? Either it uses you signing in at a location as a means of knowing who was there which explains why humans are then paid to look at those sign-ins and guess the times and contact people who they believe will be affected (as the app makers state was the case) or it uses Bluetooth to know when you're near an infected person for too long, in which case all the signing in and out and manual checking of times is completely irrelevant