My understanding is that they’re two separate things. The signing in is necessary because of people that don’t have smartphones or don’t have contact tracing turned on (as many in this thread have so proudly announced that they do) I don’t think it’s a perfect system at all and I’ve never defended it to the best of my knowledge. Clearly it keeping you signed in until midnight is far from ideal. If it was me that was designing it at the very least I’d have a button in the app that lets people sign out of a location. I recall many people made their own QR codes to sign when they leave a location, which is extremely far from ideal but it is at least a solution.
Didn't realise you were signed in till midnight. I went for a McDonald's breakfast on my way to work on Friday - sat inside for about 20 minutes. One other bloke in the place. It'll be from someone later on that day then.
I know you weren't defending it, it's basically indefensible. It just seems like a complete crock of **** all round really. The signing in digitally is completely pointless because they've got no idea how long you're there or how close. If they contact people they should at least tell them how they were identified, how long they were near them etc or if it's simply the sign in they should level with them about that too
Well I think signing in is important, because that’s how you link ‘digital’ people to people that sign in on paper or whatever system they use. Obviously it shouldn’t match somebody that was there at 9am with somebody that was there at 11pm though. To be fair I’m not even sure that it does, there’s a complete lack of transparency which is part of the problem. The ‘resets at midnight’ thing unless I’ve missed it has never been confirmed officially (because if it is the case that would lead to some difficult questions of course) so it could easily be a rumour from somebody that sees that it doesn’t have a sign out and put 2 and 2 together and got midnight.
This is from the FAQ section of the track and trace website and its absolutely bonkers You do not need to check out of a venue. Contact tracers will only ask for the date you were at a venue, not the time. When you check in somewhere new, your phone will know you have left the previous venue. It will automatically check you out of your latest venue at midnight.
Have you ever seen anybody on the London Underground exchange 'cheery smiles'? It's obviously ********.
You're not wrong, I remember the Oxford game we were down the day before and one of our group got up to for a woman to sit down and said something to the effect of "sit yourself down luv" only to be tutted at and she went off down the train.
As the first person in the thread to say this for context back when the app first came into use I was actually avoiding all the places you had to use it as I was basically only going to the supermarket. It's only since it has become evident its basically useless and the rules on isolation contradictory to almost biblical levels that I took this approach, coupled with my desire to actually have a social life for me and my wife again. If I knew I had been in contact with someone who had tested positive I would isolate and take a couple of tests a few days apart or whatever other precautions seemed sensible. I just don't trust the app to successfully inform of that.
Anyone who’s ever been on the tube knows her post is a lie, anyone who’s ever heard anyone talk about being on the tube likewise (so; more or less everyone). It takes a special kind of stupid to take that post at face value, basically you’d just be willing it to be true. Even if you didn’t already know JHB was a worthless PoS that post ought to pose the question.
Picked my daughter up from the station yesterday, all were wearing masks and all looked cheerful. Must be coming back to Barnsley that makes them smile!!
The thing I took from this thread is how high the infection rates are at the minute. I'd follow the rules if it was me. The end of July restriction easing is looking ever more unlikely unless we get the rates down. Rapidly.
Rate of hospitalisations is holding fairly low. I suppose it remains to be seen if that will change but surely having fully vaccinated those who are in the most vulnerable categories we have done all we can.
Johanna Konta to miss Wimbledon after one of her team has tested positive. If only she were a footballer then it wouldn't matter.