Fck em' both they aren't/ won't be here anymore. Wish them well in the future unless it's against us. That said I won't be organising a benevolent fund or concert and appreciation society for them. I won't be licking sweat from Mowatt's arse or chucking rose petals at Vals feat and the WBA team coach next season either but I respect them. I hope we added a bit extra to Vals transfer to compensate .
Can't say I particularly wish Ismael well. He jumped at the first opportunity after only about 8 months here. And now he'll be the main vulture circling for any players or targets we have.
I respect what he achieved with us, but nothing more. I certainly don’t wish him well. He’s the opposition now. I want him to lose more than us and win less.
Every time the club posts anything on twitter it's met with "announce Mowatt", "where's Mowatt" and it balls me off. Why do folk do that? I don't get it.
Let’s be honest the writing was on the wall with Mowatt when the only way we could get him to agree a further year was activating the clause in his contract and not by mutually agreeing a new longer term deal then, Murphy basically spent nearly a year telling us he was confident it would get sorted and it appears that was never the case. He won’t get away with peddling nonsense at bigger clubs for too long.
I don't think Murphy intentionally misled fans, I think he was remaining positive ('we are confident a deal can be reached with Alex and his agent' etc.). If he put on a negative front or appeared indifferent to the situation the club would likely be accused of lacking ambition. I think he was just being honest with how things were and best case scenario; that's how I saw it anyways.
I agree that he hasn't intentionally misled fans. But I do believe you shouldn't promise what you can't deliver and you've got to be very careful about giving false hope and over egging something. We go into a new campaign without Ismael, seemingly without Mowatt and seemingly without the man who said he was confident the other two both be starting the season with us. There's some irony in all of that somewhere.
The quotes from Murphy since the end of the season are a bit galling, particularly given he was likely to know he was on his way out when he made them. He was actually more frustrating with his comments about Ismael, than Mowatt. Looks like the club just stuck their heads in the sand, and hoped that nobody would come in. Any other club would've offered him an improved contract, and actually tried to keep him.