I want Ukraine. Sweden have the same attributes as Croatia. (They can play). Ukraine have the same attributes as Russia. We'd only got to turn up in 2018 too. I hope the media give England a break too. Last World Cup was jinxing bile cringeworthy crap at it's best or worst.
A lot of sympathy for the Swedish player though, it was a genuine attempt to play a loose ball and there was nothing malicious in it
100% agree fella. What planet is Jonathan Pearce on? He's absolutely pathetic saying it was a terrible tackle, implying that the Swedish player deliberately tried to hurt the Ukrainian lad. The tackle was high, but, he got the ball first and was already fully stretched when he caught him. How was he suppose to stop himself catching the Ukrainian player who was already running in towards the ball? Not malicious at all, he only had eyes on the ball.
I agree the ball was at shin height the unkraine player was just late but how does the swede make his foot disappear after playing the ball
Jolly nice of these chaps to wear themselves out and kick lumps out of each other, as they hope to get ready for Saturday.
I very much doubt that the Swedish player tried to hurt the opponent, but even if he touched the ball first, you just can't make a flying tackle like that when the opponent is reaching for the same ball. It's a definite red for me, even though I feel sorry for both players!
had laugh at pricks commentary, good news for england 1 guy nearly gets his leg snapped and another head taken off and to think this is a forced payment? makes $ky look look like saints, just wish i could synch other audio because he's awful
What a lad Shevchenko is. If there is a country in the tournament that deserves a bit of cheer it's Ukraine.