This certainly looks positive, even though as you allude to it does show a increase but perhaps at a level we can live with.
I think there will have to be some recalibration in peoples minds to almost ignore the cases graph. The intention now that vaccines have been delivered (and continue to be) is that once restrictions are eased back fully, the cases will absolutely skyrocket, as flu, colds and other viruses would normally do, just that they aren't tracked and recorded. The concerns will be when everyone who wants a vaccine has had them, what will be the level of hospitalisations and deaths when its allowed to let rip? It will be much less than pre vaccine, but if several hundred thousand are contracting the virus every day and approximately 3% of those get hospitalised (which is the current estimation), that will lead to a significant and sharp rise in hospitalisations. Nobody knows what the data will show yet and hopefully things hold, but thats the direction of travel.
Agree with a lot of this, but all the empirical evidence from around the world (Florida, Texas etc) shows that easing all the remaining restrictions will probably have little to no impact on the case pattern. It will likely continue on an unaffected trajectory.
I can't say I pay attention to the US to any great degree, have they been affected by the delta variant yet?
The apps silly because it pings you when you've come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. In essence you should isolate for being in contact with someone not arsed about isolating. Why bother unless you're going to use the app to track down wrong doers? When you sign up to it you don't put in any personal details so it doesn't know who you are.
Also isolating at moment. Son felt ill for a few days, LF test negative, then a few days on another one comes up positive. Waiting for PCR now. I’m on the cautious side. Yes the vaccines appear to be effective, but with new variants appearing the risk is there that some new strain appears that’s as contagious as the delta one and beats the vaccine. Eventually it seems we’ll just have this in constant circulation like flu, but it seems too early to abandon all caution.
Not sure if the track and trace system is reliable. I have a 'grandad' 3G emergency phone (no apps) which I keep in my pocket switched off unless needed (which I haven't) on the rare occasion I go out. When I do go out, it's with my wife in the car and I remain in the car whenever we call anywhere where people are about. The number is only registered with the SIM service provider and I have never given the number to anyone (blessed if I can remember it). I opened it a couple of days ago to check the battery level and found a text from nhs last month saying I had been in contact with someone with the lurgy and must isolate. Are they sending such messages out randomly or what?
I had the app and the the contact tracing switched off because I work at the NHS and we're instructed not to have it switched on. I received a message asking me to isolate for 8 days because I'd come into contact with someone with it on Sunday. I've deleted the app and re-installed it and the message has gone. The only people I came into contact with on Sunday were Laura and George.
If what you have said is accurate then it was either scam or someone checked in a venue giving a false mobile number which happened to be yours